Rhode Island 18 July 2022

Day on the River / Dia en el Rio

This FREE bilingual family-friendly event will include activities for all ages and skill levels, including arts & crafts and guided boating rides at Riverside Park with members of the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council.

Este evento familiar bilingüe GRATUITO incluirá actividades para todas las edades y niveles de habilidad incluyendo estaciones de arte y un viaje guidado en bote en el Parque Riverside con miembros de Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council.

District of Columbia 18 July 2022

Latino Climate Council Happy Hour

Connect, network, and learn from your fellow Latino Climate Council members and the Hispanic Access team! This event will feature a lightning round of council members who want to briefly present their work and expertise, followed by an open networking session. 

District of Columbia 18 July 2022

Latino Climate Council Twitter Chat

Join Hispanic Access' Latino Climate Council members from across the country in a twitter chat on Wednesday, July 20th from 12 - 1 pm PST / 3 - 4 pm EST. Follow along @HispanicAccess and @LatinoConservationWeek and join the buzz, learn more about the Latino Climate Council, and get involved in LCW 2022 efforts. 

Puerto Rico 17 July 2022

Taller para Identificar y Manejar Serpientes Invasoras

An event focused on educating the community and farmers of Maricao Puerto Rico. Information about the invasive Boa constrictor will be discussed along with tips and tricks on how to identify and handle them. We will be answering the question: What to do if you find them in your backyard?

California 16 July 2022

Cooley Landing Naturalist Walk

Join us for a morning walk in partnership with Latino Outdoors and Grassroots Ecology at Cooley Landing! Participants can expect to learn about native plants, the importance of habitat restoration, and hopefully see some exciting wildlife sightings! We will start with a welcome, learn about the history of Cooley Landing and the salt marsh ecology, and end with a breathing exercise. The walk will be roughly 3 miles total on mostly paved trail to the Ravenswood lookout. Snacks will be provided but please bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated!

Parking: There are two small parking lots at Cooley Landing. There is a parking lot at the end of Bay Road near the Education Center, and a smaller parking lot closer to Ravenswood Preserve. No entrance or parking fees are required.

Bus: Take the 296 going North to Bay/Pulgas or the 280 going East to Bay/Pulgas. From the bus stop, it's a half mile walk down Bay Rd. to Cooley Landing.

Bike: There are spots to lock up your bike at the Education Center.

Meeting Space: We will meet at the Cooley Landing Education Center. Bathrooms, cell service, wifi, and water fountains are all accessible.



¡Acompáñanos para una mañana de caminata en colaboración con Latino Outdoors y Grassroots Ecology en Cooley Landing! Los participantes pueden esperar aprender sobre plantas nativas, la importancia de restauración ecológica y ojalá mirar los animales de la bahía. Vamos a empezar con una bienvenida, aprender sobre la historia de Cooley Landing y la ecología de marismas saladas y vamos a tomar un tiempo haciendo un ejercicio de respiración al último. Esta caminata va a ser aproximadamente 3 millas en total en sendero mayormente pavimentado hacia la vista en Ravenswood. Va ver botanas pero por favor recuerde traer una botella de agua para hidratarse.

Dónde: Nos encontraremos en el Centro de Educación de Cooley Landing.

Parqueo: Hay dos estacionamientos en Cooley Landing. Hay un estacionamiento al final de Bay Road, cerca del Centro de Educación, y uno más pequeño cerca de Ravenswood Preserve. No es necesario pagar la entrada o el estacionamiento.

Autobús: Tome el 296 en dirección norte hacia Bay / Pulgas o el 280 en dirección este hacia Bay / Pulgas. De la parada, hay que caminar media milla por la calle Bay hasta llegar a Cooley Landing.

Bicicleta: Puede guardar su bicicleta cerca del Centro de Educación.


California 16 July 2022

Campfire, Storytelling, and BBQ

Abajo en español

Join Latino Outdoors North Coast and MendoParks for a Campfire program and BBQ at MacKerricher State Park Campfire Center. All ages and families are invited to attend and participate by sharing your own story, poem, or songs you may have about the outdoors. Hot dogs and s’mores will be provided.

RSVP Required. Please be sure to look out for a confirmation email after you register and fill out the required participation waiver.


  • Comfortable closed toed shoes and warm clothing or layers
  • Full water bottle
  • Good energy and enthusiasm

If you have any questions, please reach out to Esme Plascencia at e.plascencia@latinooutdoors.org or (707) 813-1284.


Únase a Latino Outdoors North Coast y MendoParks para un programa de fogatas y bbq en el centro de fogatas de MacKerricher State Park. Todas las edades y familias están invitadas a asistir y participar compartiendo su propia historia, poema o canciones que tenga sobre al aire libre. Se proporcionarán perros calientes y s'mores.

RSVP requerido. Asegúrese de buscar un correo electrónico de confirmación después de registrarse y completar la exención de participación requerida.


  • Zapatos cerrados cómodos y ropa abrigada o capas.
  • Botella de agua llena
  • Buena energía y entusiasmo.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Esme Plascencia en e.plascencia@latinooutdoors.org o (707) 813-1284.

Nevada 16 July 2022

Desert Wildlife Refuge Outing

Come join us for coffee and delicious snacks while learning about Las Vegas's local gem, the Desert Wildlife Refuge.


Únase a nosotros para tomar un café y deliciosos refrigerios mientras aprende sobre la joya local de Las Vegas, el Refugio de Vida Silvestre del Desierto.

California 15 July 2022

Fly Fishing at Kern River

Abajo en español

Join Latino Outdoors Fresno and Kern River Conservancy for a day of fly fishing. Beginners to experts are invited to participate. All fishing equipment and lunch will be provided. Instruction will be provided for those who are new to the sport.

RSVP Required. Please be sure to look out for a confirmation email after you register and fill out the required participation waiver.


  • Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses (preferably with straps)
  • Full water bottle
  • Snacks (optional)

If you have any questions, please reach out to Victoria Ramirez at vramirez@latinooutdoors.org or (559) 651-6413


Únase a Latino Outdoors Fresno y Kern River Conservancy para un día de pesca. Principiantes a expertos están invitados a participar. Se proporcionarán todo el equipo de pesca y el almuerzo. Tambien se proporcionará instrucción para aquellos que son nuevos en el deporte.

RSVP requerido. Asegúrese de buscar un correo electrónico de confirmación después de registrarse y completar la exención de participación requerida.


  • Bloqueador solar, gorra, lentes de sol (preferiblemente con correas)
  • botella de agua llena
  • Aperitivos (opcional)

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Victoria Ramirez en vramirez@latinooutdoors.org o 559-651-6413.

California 15 July 2022

American River Parkway Cleanup

English (Espanol mas abajo)

For Latino Conservation Week this year, we are excited to join forces with the American River Parkway Foundation (ARPF) to host a river cleanup and picnic! We'll be clearing trash and debris off the Parkway from 9am to 12pm, followed by a picnic and some time to explore the parkway and enjoy each other's company. BEFORE ARRIVING, please sign this online liability waiver for you and your family: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/hUBi5GrFHVu2odPeiaRKgn/

Please arrive at 9:00am to sign in and receive a safety briefing. We will head out to clean by 9:15am.

Additional Details:What to wear: sturdy/comfortable closed-toe shoes, hat, long pants, long-sleeves, gloves, sunscreen, & bug spray.

What to bring: sturdy/comfortable closed-toed shoes, hat, long pants, long sleeves, gloves (if you want to use your own), sunscreen, bug spray, water, trash pickers (if you prefer to use one), and a change of clothes if you want to be more comfortable for the picnic.

**ARPF will provide gloves, trash bags, and water. LO will provide snacks and a picnic lunch at noon. **

For questions or concerns leading up to the event, please contact Liz Lopez at liz@latinooutdoors.org. For day-of issues and inquiries, please call Liz at 916-622-4880. See you there!


¡Para la semana de Latino Conservation Week de este año, nos complace unir fuerzas con la American River Parkway Foundation (ARPF) para organizar una limpieza del río y un picnic! Estaremos limpiando la basura y los escombros de Parkway de 9 am a 12 pm, seguido de un picnic y algo de tiempo para explorar el parque y disfrutar de la compañía de los demás.

ANTES DE LLEGAR, firme esta exención de responsabilidad en línea para usted y su familia: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/hUBi5GrFHVu2odPeiaRKgn/

Llegue a las 9:00 am para registrarse y recibir un informe de seguridad. Saldremos a limpiar a las 9:15 am.

Qué traer: zapatos cerrados resistentes/cómodos, sombrero, pantalones largos, mangas largas, guantes (si desea usar los suyos), bloqueador solar, repelente de insectos, agua, recolectores de basura (si prefiere usar uno) y una cambia de ropa si quieres estar más cómoda para el picnic.

**ARPF proporcionará guantes, bolsas de basura y agua. LO proporcionará snacks y un almuerzo campestre al mediodía. **

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes antes del evento, comuníquese con Liz Lopez en liz@latinooutdoors.org. Para consultas y problemas relacionados con el día, llame a Liz al 916-622-4880.

Nos vemos pronto!

Virginia 15 July 2022

Almorzando al aire libre

This week we celebrate the Latino community in the outdoors and conservation. We are hosting an outdoor lunch at one of the parks in the City of Richmond. Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair and come have a good time as we enjoy the outdoors. A light lunch will be provided but feel free to bring your own.

En esta semana celebramos a la comunidad Latina al aire libre y la Conservación de Nuestra Tierra. Estamos organizando un almuerzo al aire libre en uno de los parques de la Ciudad de Richmond. Traiga una manta de picnic o sillas y venga a pasar un buen rato en comunidad mientras disfrutamos del aire libre. Se proporcionará un almuerzo ligero, pero siéntase libre de traer el suyo.

Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra is an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF). Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. For more information, please visit: www.latinoconservationweek.com

We will meet at the parking lot that is W 42nd St and New Kent Ave.

A few things to note.

  • Dogs are welcome and must be on a leash.
  • Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather.
  • Bring sunscreen.

Favor de completar la exención apropiada.


Questions/Preguntas: jessicagodinez@latinooutdoors.org, mgallegos@latinooutdoors.org

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.