California 13 June 2023

Naturaleza, Conectividad y Crédito (Nature, Connectivity and Credit)

There is a trend among national parks to go cashless, with 22 parks so far requiring that entry fees be paid via credit or debit card only. With access to nature—a costly affair—already a challenge for Latinos, cashless access to our national parks represents still another barrier for the unbanked portion of the U.S. Latino community to enjoy the great outdoors.

In response to these changing circumstances, Bishop, California-based conservation nonprofit Friends of the Inyo, in partnership with AltaOne Federal Credit Union, the U.S. National Park Service, Cerro Coso Community College and other organizations, is hosting a FREE bilingual outreach event called “Naturaleza, Conectividad y Crédito” (“Nature, Connectivity and Credit”) in downtown Bishop on July 15, as part of Latino Conservation Week.

Naturaleza, Conectividad y Crédito aims to help local Latinos establish credit to facilitate access to national parks and other opportunities to which credit can open the door. The event also aims to educate Eastern Sierra Nevada Latinos about how to navigate national park websites for making camping reservations, checking weather and road conditions, etc.; how to recreate responsibly in nature, practicing The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace (; how to strengthen their homes against wildfire; how to recycle trash properly; how to register for classes at Cerro Coso College; how to apply for available local jobs; and more. There will be food, music, opportunity drawings, and lots of networking designed to help Latinos and other underrepresented communities learn how to better enjoy nature and be better stewards of our scenic lands. 

Florida 07 June 2023

Surfistas latinos limpian el río Halifax.

El río Halifax es parte del canal intracostero del Océano Atlántico, ubicado al noreste del condado de Volusia en el estado de Florida. Este río divide los dos puntos de surf más importantes del estado de Florida, Ponce Inlet y New Smyrna Beach. Allí confluye una importante variedad de especies vegetales y animales, lo que hace que el lugar sea rico en biodiversidad. Los surfistas y habitantes de estas comunidades son parte de las especies que hacen vida en estos ecosistemas, y representan un valor fundamental para garantizar su conservación. Por eso nos sumamos a esta importante semana y los invitamos a participar de esta jornada de limpieza que hemos organizado, con el objetivo de educar y motivar a los ciudadanos de nuestra comunidad y turistas en la conservación de los ecosistemas del río Halifax.

Massachusetts 06 June 2023

Nuestro Puerto / Our Harbor Climate Day of Action - Free Sailing and Kayaking

Join us for a day of advocacy and free sailing and kayaking on Boston Harbor.  

Florida 31 May 2023


¡Ven a explorar con nosotros para la Semana de la Conservación Latina! Átate las botas de montaña y únase al River Center el Martes 18 de Julio para nuestra Caminata por la Naturaleza al Atardecer a través del área natural Delaware Scrub. Recorre los senderos guiados y sumérgete en este espacio natural local. Los participantes interesados deben usar zapatos cerrados, pantalones largos (recomendado), bastón, ropa cómoda y mucha agua. Se recomienda encarecidamente el repelente de insectos y la linterna. Por favor regístrese. El espacio es limitado. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo.

Come explore with us for Latino Conservation Week! Tie up your hiking boots and join the River Center on Tuesday, July 18th for our sunset nature walk through Delaware Scrub Natural Area. Walk along the guided paths and immerse yourself in this local natural area. Interested participants should wear closed toed shoes, long pants (recommended), a walking stick, comfortable clothing and bring plenty of water. Bug spray and flashlight are highly recommended Please RSVP to attend. Space is limited. Click the link below.

Florida 31 May 2023


¡No te pierdas esta nueva y emocionante Aventura de Pesca con el River Center! ¡En esta Aventura de Pesca, estamos celebrando la Semana Latina de la Conservación! Las Aventuras de Pesca son una excelente manera para que los niños y los padres pesquen en algunos lugares emocionantes con el personal del River Center. Este programa está diseñado para pescadores jóvenes que quieren más experiencia de pesca. Todo el equipo será proporcionado. Se anima a los padres a acompañar a sus hijos y participar. Los interesados deberán traer agua, bloqueador solar, gorra y anteojos de sol. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo.

Don’t miss out on this new exciting fishing adventure with the River Center! This Fishing Adventure we are celebrating Latino Conservation Week! Fishing Adventures are a great way for kids and parents to fish some exciting local spots with River Center staff. This program is designed for young anglers who want more fishing experience. All equipment will be provided. Parents are encouraged to accompany their kids and participate. Interested participants should bring water, sun screen, a hat, and sunglasses. Click the link below.

Florida 31 May 2023

Explora la vida en la Indian River Lagoon

Únase al personal de The Nature Conservancy en la hermosa Reserva Blowing Rocks en Júpiter y explore la vida submarina en Indian River Lagoon. El programa comenzará con un desayuno ligero y una breve presentación en el salón de clases del Centro de Educación Hawley. Luego, el grupo se dirigirá a la costa de Indian River Lagoon y aprenderá a usar redes de cerco para recolectar pequeños animales submarinos como peces, camarones y caracoles. Los participantes se meterán en el agua y usarán las redes para recolectar y observar animales, luego liberarán a los animales nuevamente en el agua. 


Todas las edades son bienvenidas. La edad recomendada para participar en las actividades del programa es a partir de los 5 años. Todos los participantes deben llevar ropa y zapatos que se puedan mojar. Los zapatos para el agua aceptables incluyen zapatillas de deporte, zapatos para el agua o sandalias con tiras en el talón (no se permiten chancletas). Por razones de seguridad, todos los participantes deben usar zapatos en el agua y no se permite nadar durante el programa. Es muy recomendable que todos los participantes traigan una botella de agua reutilizable, protección solar y una muda de ropa y zapatos.  


El espacio es limitado y es necesario registrarse: 

California 30 May 2023

Youth Hike

This event has a simple purpose, to disconnect from the outside world and have a time alone with Jesus! To separate and hear his voice because sometimes it’s very hard to hear his voice when the whole world around us, is being loud.

Massachusetts 30 May 2023


?Calling all young explorers! ? Join us for a thrilling educational adventure to the mesmerizing Boston Harbor Islands, a National Park like no other, right on our doorstep! ?️

We're embarking on a fun-filled journey designed to inspire and educate Latino children about the vibrant world of conservation and the crucial role we play in caring for God's creation. This is your chance to explore the stunning natural beauty of these 34 remarkable islands and peninsulas. Discover the incredible diversity of plants and animals that call these islands home! ??

During our trip, you won't just learn about the environment - you'll interact with it through engaging games and exercises! Gain firsthand knowledge about the significance of taking care of our precious environment. Plus, you'll play an essential role in a beach clean-up activity, experiencing how vital our actions are in preserving the pristine beauty of our beaches and safeguarding the environment from litter. ?️➡️♻️

We believe there's no better classroom than nature itself, and there's no better lesson than learning to respect and care for the world we share. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure where fun, education, and nature merge into an extraordinary experience! ??

Join us, make new friends, and be part of something that truly matters. Are you ready to be a young conservationist? We can't wait to welcome you on this extraordinary journey! ??️

Save the date and come discover, learn, and protect with us! ??

Florida 26 May 2023

CHEC's Acceso Especial al Parque

Celebrate Latino Conservation Week with us at the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center!

We will kick things off with the Florida Public Archeology Network as Natalie A. De La Torre Salas presents: Weeds and Seeds: A History of Dining in Southern Florida - Cattle, citrus, and many other common foods today were brought to Florida by the Spanish, so what were people eating before then? This talk covers what people would have had for dinner in Southwest Florida 2,000 years ago. Topics of environment, flora and fauna, archaeological research, and historical documents all come together to answer this question. 

Following the presentation, participants will enjoy a brief walk up to CHEC's visitor center to gain special access as the center is typically closed during the summer months. At the center, enjoy interacting and learning more about the animal ambassadors that live there, browse the gift shop and ice cream selections, explore educational exhibits, and more! This portion of the program will be presented in English and translated into Spanish.

Ven a celebrar con nosotras! 


Pre-registration is required. To reserve your seat please contact

Colorado 24 May 2023

Camino latino map launching hike



Our hope with this map is to help people connect with the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valley’s incredible public lands. Public lands are owned by a government agency (like Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, or the US Forest Service) and available for everyone to visit and enjoy. They are part of what makes where we live so special! 


All of the places we’ve identified are ones you can visit with your whole family. The “Legend” on each map tells you other important information - what kind of activities you can do, if the site has a bathroom, etc. If you need camping or other outdoor gear, we encourage you to visit the XXX or XXX Gear Library, where you can borrow gear and test it out before you decided to purchase anything. 


When you visit these special places, be sure to remember they’re home to all sorts of animals: bears, birds, fish, insects, and many more! Treat both the land you’re visiting and the animals with respect - plan ahead and prepare for your visit, always dispose of your waste properly, and take only photos. This ensures these special places will be around for many years to come. 


Finally, a big thank you to all of our sponsors and partners (listed above) for making Camino Latino possible. I hope to see you outside!

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.