California 28 June 2023

Birding + Native Plants

Join us for a native plants maintenance and birding event as we celebrate LCW. Tuesday July 18, 2023 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.

Unete para un evento de mantenimiento de plantas nativas y observacion de aves mientras celebramos LCW. Martes julio 18 del 2023 de 8:00 am - 11:00 am.

California 28 June 2023


Join us for a nature walk, of approximately 3 miles, on a relatively flat trail in the Marin Headlands - the Tennessee Valley Trail - to enjoy and celebrate Latino Conservation Week on TUESDAY, July 18th from 10am to 1pm! RSVP required! We'll provide yummy treats and snacks!

Please be sure to dress in layers, bring comfortable shoes, and plenty of water.

Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra is an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation. Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.


¡Únase a nosotros para una caminata por la naturaleza, de aproximadamente 3 millas, en un sendero relativamente plano en Marin Headlands, el Tennessee Valley Trail, para disfrutar y celebrar la Semana Latina de la Conservación el MARTES 18 de julio de 10 am a 1 pm! RSVP requerido! ¡Ofrecemos golosinas y bocadillos deliciosos!

Asegúrese de vestirse en capas, traer zapatos cómodos y mucha agua.

Semana de Conservación Latina: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra es una iniciativa de Hispanic Access Foundation. La Semana de la Conservación Latina se creó para ayudar a la comunidad latina a salir al aire libre y participar en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales.

California 28 June 2023

Latino Outdoors 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Join us in community for our 10 year anniversary celebration on Saturday, July 15th from 11am to 2pm the Crissy Field's Courtyard in the Presidio.

In 2013, Latino Outdoors started as a simple blog, in the ten years since, that blog has grown into a movement.

This year we're celebrating resilience, diversity, passion, and culture. We're celebrating a love of nuestra madre tierra and pachamama. We're celebrating the seeds we planted 10 years ago. We're celebrating growth.

We'll have food, music, a fire pit, arts and crafts, piñata, cake, and giveaways! Great for the whole family.

Please complete this Latino Outdoors wavier.

Note on parking: There is free parking and parking that requires payment near our meeting location, please check your order confirmation, and keep an eye out for follow up emails with more details.

Questions: Aurora.Cortes@LatinoOutdoors.Org

California 28 June 2023

Latino Conservation Week in San Diego

Join us as we celebrate a decade of community gatherings of partners, allies, and outdoor lovers. We are proud to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Latino Conservation Week, an initiative dedicated to empowering the Latino community to engage with the great outdoors and actively participate in safeguarding our precious natural resources.

During this week, community, non-profit, faith-based, and government organizations and agencies hold events throughout the country. From picnics, hiking, and camping to community roundtables and film screenings, these activities promote conservation efforts in their community, and provide an opportunity for Latinos to show their support for permanently protecting our land, water, and air.

Come join us for a day in sunny San Diego at the park with food, prizes and activities, to celebrate a decade of fostering a stronger bond between the Latino community and the great outdoors. For one of the activities, get ready to mark your cards and yell "Loteria!" because the Power In Nature (Poder en la Naturaleza) coalition will be hosting a nature-themed Loteria game! But that's not all! We have something truly special in store for you. Introducing our exclusive California Flag redesigns, crafted to honor the rich heritage and biodiversity of our great state which will be given as special prizes for Loteria winners!

Together, we can continue making a positive impact on our natural environment and ensure its preservation for generations to come.




Únase a nosotros para celebrar una década de reuniones comunitarias de socios, aliados y amantes del aire libre. Estamos orgullosos de celebrar el décimo aniversario de la Semana Latina de la Conservación (Latino Conservation Week), una iniciativa dedicada a empoderar a la comunidad latina para que se involucre en el aire libre y participe activamente en la protección de nuestros preciados recursos naturales.

Durante esta semana, organizaciones y agencias comunitarias, sin fines de lucro, religiosas y gubernamentales realizan eventos en todo el país. Desde picnics, caminatas y campamentos hasta mesas redondas comunitarias y proyecciones de películas, estas actividades promueven los esfuerzos de conservación en su comunidad y brindan una oportunidad para que los latinos muestren su apoyo para proteger permanentemente nuestra tierra, agua y aire.

Únase a nosotros para pasar un día en San Diego en el parque con comida, premios y actividades, para celebrar una década de fomentar un vínculo más fuerte entre la comunidad latina y el aire libre. Para una de las actividades, prepárate para marcar tus cartas y gritar "¡Lotería!" ¡porque la coalición Power In Nature (Poder en la Naturaleza) organizará un juego de Lotería con el tema de la naturaleza! ¡Pero eso no es todo! Tenemos algo realmente especial para ti. ¡Presentamos nuestros rediseños exclusivos de la bandera de California, creados para honrar la rica herencia y la biodiversidad de nuestro gran estado, que se entregarán como premios especiales para los ganadores de la Lotería!

Juntos, podemos continuar teniendo un impacto positivo en nuestro entorno natural y garantizar su conservación para las generaciones venideras.


California 27 June 2023

Caminata en la Naturaleza y Tacos

Let's kick off Latino Conservation Week 2023 with a nature walk and tacos at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve in collaboration with the Hispanic Access Foundation, San Mateo County Parks, Redwood City Together, Friends of Edgewood, and San Mateo County Health. 

California 27 June 2023

Community Habitat Restoration Volunteer Event

Join us for some habitat restoration efforts at the park. Volunteers will help remove invasive plants and plant native species. Additional tasks may be completed as needed, including seed collection, seed cleaning,

transplanting plants, and fixing plant basins. Ages 12 and older are welcome (minors must be accompanied by an adult and have waivers signed by their guardian).

California 27 June 2023

Caminando con las plantas de San Diego/Walking with the plants of San Diego

Walking with the plants of San Diego

Join Canyonlands staff Iriany on a guided walk through Olivia Canyon in City Heights to learn about native and non native plants and their role in the canyons, through a family friendly scavenger hunt activity. 

This event honors Latino Conservation Week, a week about centering the Latinx community and celebrating their participation and contributions in the outdoors. Activities are offered nationwide to help foster the Latinx community’s connection to nature. 

The event will take place on Saturday, July 22nd from 9-11 am in Olivia Canyon at the Myrtle Avenue and Menlo Avenue trailhead. 

Caminando con las plantas de San Diego

Participé en una caminata por Olivia Canyon en City Heights guiada por personal de educación de Canyonlands Iriany, para aprender sobre las plantas nativas y no nativas a través de una actividad familiar de búsqueda del tesoro.

Este evento honra Latino Conservation Week, una semana enfocada en la comunidad Latinx para celebrar su participación y contribuciones en el medio ambiente. Las actividades se ofrecen en todo el país para ayudar a fomentar la conexión de la comunidad Latinx con la naturaleza.

El evento es el sábado 22 de julio de 9 a 11 am en Olivia Canyon en las calles Myrtle Avenue y Menlo Avenue. 

California 27 June 2023

Roots of the LA River Educational Bike Ride

The event will be a bike ride that starts and ends in Griffith Park, going along the LA River bike path, navigating some city streets that do not yet have a bike path with stops throughout the ride where speakers will discuss the LA River Restoration Project as well as the LA River Bike Path Extension Project. Before the ride, League of American Bicyclist instructors will go over bicycle safety and do a safety check on participants' bikes before the ride.
This educational bike ride and safety instructions will have presentations in both Spanish and English or translation. Human powered transportation is an excellent way of sharing the history and future plans for the river. We will welcome bikes, trikes, skates and wheelchairs to join the fun informative day along the river. Human powered transportation on wheels is environmentally low impact as well as a fun way to get to our different destinations while also getting exercise.
Discussions about the past, present and future of the LA River will give participants the knowledge and we aim to spark interest in the upcoming project that will be improving the Los Angeles River ecosystem as well as access to our community resource. 

Illinois 27 June 2023

Chicago River Bilingual Kayaking

We provide a 2 hour kayak tour along the Chicago river with a short kayak and safety lesson beforehand. Our guides will bring you on a relaxing paddle down the Chicago river where you get to take in the scenic views of the Chicago skyline and learn about the history of the city as well as its iconic architecture. From Native Americans using the waterways for trade all the way to our modern skyscrapers, it's a great summer experience. This tour will be for Latino Conservation week and will be led by two bilingual guides.

California 27 June 2023

Lunch & Learning -- Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary

Join us for Lunch and an info session about the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.

This is the first Tribally nominated national marine sanctuary in the United States, nominated by the Northern Chumash Tribal Council. During this event we will talk about what a sanctuary is and why your voice matters in helping determine what the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary will look like. Its a great time to ask questions!

Presentation will be in English and Spanish! Vegetarian and meat food options available.

Learn more at:

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.