California 05 July 2023

Sunset Beach Clean Up Day

Sunset Beach Clean Up Day

California 05 July 2023

Dia de Familia y Conservacion de la Creacion

Dia de picnic para todas las familias de la iglesia e invitados de todos los miembros.

Habran juegos, recreacion, pescar, y reflexion sobre la creacion de Dios.

California 03 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week Celebration at the Refuge!

Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge extends an invitation to you for a remarkable occasion commemorating Latino Conservation Week! Come and participate in a guided sunset stroll, where you can discover the unique aspects of the Refuge. You'll have the opportunity to create your own photo frame, relish refreshing aguas frescas, and enjoy complimentary Mexican treats like pan dulce and flan. To conclude the event, there will be a special performance by Mariachi Guadalajara. 


Event is free to the public and open to all ages. RSVP required in Eventbrite link:



Texas 03 July 2023

Plática bilingüe de Reptiles/Bilingual Reptile Demo

As part of Latino conservation week, we’re excited to invite you to our first bilingual reptile presentation at 10am on July 15th. This talk/demonstration will last an hour and go over some of the reptiles that live in our local area. 

Como parte de la semana latina de conservación, nos invitamos a nuestra primera presentación bilingüe de reptiles a las 10 a. m. el 15 de julio. Esta plática durará una hora y demostrará algunos de los reptiles que viven en nuestra área.


West Virginia 03 July 2023

Seneca Rocks River Snorkel

Join us as we celebrate Latino Conservation Week 2023! Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.


We will meet in the Seneca Rocks Day Use/ Picnic parking area. We will discuss the importance of watersheds, the work that has been completed in the area to support healthy streams, and how that impacts the species we will see when we are snorkeling. Please bring a swimsuit or clothing that you do not mind getting wet. Please also bring water shoes or footwear appropriate for river walking. Chacos, Tevas, or other shoes with straps are acceptable. Other items to bring include snacks, water, a towel, and a change of clothing.

*FREE GIVEAWAYS include snorkel sets and wet suits for adults and children, stickers, and more!

Registration required:

This event is bilingual and open to all.



¡Acompáñanos a celebrar la Semana Nacional de la Conservación Latina 2022! La Semana de la Conservación Latina se creó para ayudar a la comunidad latina a recrear afuera y participar en actividades que protegen nuestros recursos naturales.

Nos reuniremos en el lote principal, anotado por "Day Use, Picnic Area". Vamos a discutir la importancia de las cuencas hidrográficas, el trabajo que se ha completado en el área para mantener arroyos saludables y cómo eso afecta a las especies que veremos mas tarde.

Para nuestra sesión de esnórquel, por favor traiga un traje de baño o ropa que no le importe mojar. Se recomende traer zapatos para el agua o calzado apropiado para caminar por el río. Chacos, Tevas u otros zapatos con correas son aceptables. Otros artículos para traer incluyen agua y botanes, una toalla y cambio de ropa.

Es necesario registrarse:

Florida 02 July 2023

Pa' La Pahayokee

Celebra La Semana Latina de Conservación con el movimiento Love The Everglades! Experimente un recorrido en hidrodeslizador guiado en español por los Everglades con Jean Sarmiento y Reverendo Houston Cypress. 

El espacio para este event es limitado. Los cupos serán elegidos por sistema de lotería. Por favor registrar a cada adulto interesado. Si va a estar con niños, envíenos un correo electrónico a:

La Semana Latina de la Conservación se creó para ayudar a la comunidad latina a salir al aire libre y participar en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales. Love The Everglades es un movimiento que implementa estrategias ambientales, estructurales, culturales y espirituales para informar y organizar conexiones positivas entre el publico y los Everglades. 

Enlace de registro de loteria: 

Contacto: Para más información o preguntas, por favor contactar a Virginia, 


Celebrate Latino Conservation Week with Love the Everglades Movement! Experience a Spanish-led airboat tour of the Everglades with Jean Sarmiento and Reverend Houston Cypress. 

Space is limited for this event and will be chosen by lottery system. Please register each adult interested. If you will be with children, please send us an email at:

Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. Love the Everglades implements evolving strategies across the full spectrum of being which address the environmental, structural, cultural and spiritual problems plaguing the Florida Everglades by raising awareness and organizing positive community engagement at the local, regional, national and global levels.

Registration Link: 

Contact: For further questions or information, please contact Virginia at

California 01 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week kick-off at Humboldt Redwoods State park

California State Park’s would like to formally invite you to join us at Humboldt Redwoods State Park in Celebration Latino Conservation Week (LCW)

What is LCW? Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra is an initiative of the Hispanic Access Foundation. This week is about providing an opportunity for Latinos to come together and to demonstrate their passion for the outdoors -- both its enjoyment and preservation. 

And we are kicking things off on Sunday July 16th from 12-2pm. Join bilingual Spanish speaking interpreters on a FREE Nature Walk from 12-1pm at Gould Loop Trail (.6 miles) and a fun game of Loteria at the Burlington Campfire Center to follow!  Fun for all ages.

You won't want to miss out on this rare opportunity to bring your familia to the park and learn about these amazing ancient trees and forests en Español!


Event Details

Date & Time- Sunday July 16th  12pm-2pm

Where- Burlington Campfire Center/ Visitor Center- 17119 Avenue of the Giants, Weott, CA 95571

Directions- The Visitor Center is on the Avenue of the Giants, about 2 miles South of Weott, US 101 Exit 661.

Other Reminders

Weather- The weather is predicted to be warm  (~75-80 F) around this time of year, so we recommend you pack and dress accordingly : bring a water bottle,  hat/ sunscreen, comfortable shoes and clothes.

Eel River- This is a great opportunity to take your family to the river, before or after the event. Plan and pack accordingly. You can ask for more information on how to access the river at the event and/ or at the visitor center.

Food - this event will NOT include any food, consider this when preparing for your trip. There are a few restaurants/ markets along the avenue that you can go to before or after the event.


  • The Avenue Cafe- 6743 Avenue of the Giants, Miranda, CA 95553 (restaurant)
  • Chimney Tree Grill-  1111 Avenue of the Giants, Phillipsville, CA 95559 (restaurant)
  • The Miranda Market- 6685 Avenue of the Giants, Miranda, CA 95553
  • Redwood Market and Deli- 12880 Avenue of the Giants, Myers Flat, CA 95554
  • Sips Organic Coffee and more- 6771 CA-254, Miranda, CA 95553 (closes at 2pm)


Puerto Rico 01 July 2023

Hookeate con la Pesca

Evento Inclusivo para la Comunidad con Diversidad Auditiva. Espacios Limitadoses requerido reservar de antemano por medio de este formulario. 
Fecha: sábado, 22/julio/2023
Horario: 8:30am - 12:00pm
Lugar: Refugio de Vida Silvestre - Embalse Guajataca, San Sebastián, Puerto Rico
Queremos darle una cálida bienvenida a la comunidad en nuestro segundo evento inclusivo para la comunidad con diversidad auditiva - GRATUITO. Estaremos ofreciendo actividades dinámicas y divertidas en el área de la pesca recreativa. Este evento incluirá lo siguiente:  
-Taller de Pesca para Principiantes
- Competencia de Pesca 
- Árboles gratis 
- Posible Taller de Arte con Flores (todavía por confirmarse)
- Mesas informativas: DRNA, Para la Naturaleza
Al registrarse recibirá actualizaciones del evento al igual que detalles como una lista de cosas que recomendamos que traigan para el día. 
El registro es requerido para todo individuo y se llena de manera individual, no por grupo. 
Para más información: (787) 640-6864,
Alaska 30 June 2023

Cómo Evitar Incidentes con Osos

Avistamientos de osos es una de las experiencias más increíbles en Alaska. Atienda esta sesión informativa para aprender sobre los osos y qué hacer si se encuentra con uno. Incluso tendrá la oportunidad de practicar usando el spray para osos. Gratis. Parte de la celebración de la Semana de Conservación Latina.

miércoles, 19 de junio, 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Florida 30 June 2023

A Pleno Aire Crandon Park

Join Latino Conservation Week Lead Ambassadors, Shley Suarez-Burgos & Virginia Ansaldi alongside local artist, Angela Portillo, for a plein air event at Crandon Park. Learn about the history and coastal environment of Crandon Park while local artist, Angela Portillo, guides participants in landscape painting. All art materials will be provided. Bug spray, water bottles, and chairs are recommended to bring. Registration is required for this free event. Please register each adult interested. If you will be with children please send us an email. For any questions please contact

Angela Portillo is a contemporary artist who works with mixed media. Through her assimilation of different textures, colors, even line objects, she captures a scenery through each of her artworks that redirects her to a specific moment in time.

Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. Crandon Park is one of seven heritage parks acquired by Miami-Dade County. With amenities such as Crandon Gardens, Biscayne Nature Center, a marina, golf course and tennis center, Crandon Park is visited by locals and tourists who enjoy the many recreational opportunities afforded.

Registration Link:

Contact: For further questions or information, please contact Virginia at

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.