Florida 11 July 2023

Garden Workday at Timber Springs Middle School/Día de trabajo en el jardín en Timber Springs Middle School

Come help us plant, weed, and build in the garden at Timber Springs Middle School! Email Nicole.Funk@ocps.net to volunteer, Lismaris.CornierRosario@ocps.net to donate materials or supplies, and Sustainability@ocps.net for questions. Thank you to Timber Springs Latinos in Action, Ideas for Us, and Orange County Public Schools for organizing this event.

Venga y ayúdenos a plantar, desmalezar, y construir en el jardín de Timber Springs Middle School! Contacte a Nicole.Funk@ocps.net para inscribirse a hacer servicio voluntario, a Lismaris.CornierRosario@ocps.net para donar materiales, y a Sustainability@ocps.net si tiene preguntas. Gracias a Timber Springs Latinos in Action, Ideas for Us, y Orange County Public Schools por organizar este evento. 

Virginia 11 July 2023

LO DMV | LCW: Encuentra Tu Parque

LO DMV | LCW: Encuentra Tu Parque

English to follow

Únete con nosotros el sábado 22 de julio de 2023 a las 09:30 a.m. en el parque Belle Haven de Virginia ubicado por el George Washington Memorial Parkway. La mañana estara llena de diversión y aventura al aire libre. Exploraremos el Refugio de Dyke Marsh, participa en actividades interactivas y descubre todo lo que nuestros parques tienen para ofrecer. Este evento es perfecto para todas las edades y niveles de experiencia. Ven solo, con amigos o trae a toda la familia. ¡No te lo puedes perder!

Encuentra Tu Parque es un programa colaborativo de Latino Outdoors y el Servicio Nacional de Parques (National Park Service). La Semana de la Conservación Latina o Latino Conservation Week (LCW) es una iniciativa de la organización Hispanic Access Foundation. La intención de LCW es para apoyar a la comunidad latina en reconectarse con la naturaleza y participar en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales.


Join us on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 09:30 a.m. at Belle Haven Park, In Virginia, located off the George Washington Memorial Parkway.

The morning will be spent exploring the beautiful natural landscape of Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve. Participants will hike along the marsh and participate in interactive activities. This event is perfect for all ages and experience levels. Come alone, with friends or bring the whole family.

Encuentra Tu Parque is a Latino Conservation Week collaborative program of Latino Outdoors and the National Park Service. Latino Conservation Week (LCW) is an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation. The Intent of LCW is to support the Latino community by reconnecting them to outdoors spaces and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.



District of Columbia 11 July 2023

LO DMV - Paddle the Potomac (An Alternative Happy Hour)

Looking for a fun opportunity to explore and paddle the Potomac River?

Well now's the time to grab your sunglasses and come get your feet wet!

Join Potomac Conservancy and Latino Outdoors in Paddle the Potomac: An Alternative Happy Hour! LIMITED SEATS ARE AVAILABLE - SO SIGN UP QUICKLY!

Each ticket comes with one boat or paddle board rental and two hours of paddling on the Potomac River.

This event will transform your regular WEDNESDAY night into an unforgettable experience.

Additional Details:

Be sure to arrive by 6:00 PM to be able to get out on the water.

This event is appropriate for all skill levels. Beginners and experts are welcome!

Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather (rain or shine) and wear clothes you won't mind getting wet.

In order to reduce waste, we will not provide cups. Be sure to bring a reusable bottle to fill up before heading out on the water.


Walk/Bicycle: There are many places along M street that bring you down to the C&O canal, or walk down Wisconsin until you arrive at K Street. Walk West (keeping the water to your left) until you find the boathouse beneath Key Bridge.

From Rosslyn Metro (¾ mile): walk across Key Bridge and take the stairs on either side down to the canal. There are footbridges across the canal that lead to stairs on Water St. Walk back toward the bridge and the boathouse is located directly below Key Bridge.

From Foggy Bottom Metro (1 mile): From the rotary, walk West on K street toward the waterfront. If you follow the waterfront park, the boathouse is located just on the other side of Key Bridge.

Driving: Please simply put in your GPS 3500 Water Street Northwest, Washington, DC, 20007. Unfortunately, there is NO PARKING within 3 blocks of boathouse. We recommend you get there by metro or park at the Lowes Movie Theater lot, or street parking on Water Street.

Virginia 11 July 2023

LO DMV | Hike Juntos e Intercambio de idiomas

Join us for a hike and English-Spanish language exchange at Sky Meadows State Park on Saturday, July 15th. We will enjoy a 2.5 mile (4 km) stroll through meadow and forest while making new friends and practicing our language skills.

Únase a nosotros para una caminata e intercambio de inglés-español en el Parque Estatal Sky Meadow el sábado 15 de julio. Disfrutaremos un paseo de 2.5 millas (4 km) por el prado y el bosque mientras hacemos nuevos amigos y practicamos nuestras habilidades lingüísticas.

Accessibility information/Información de accesibilidad: Expect to trek on packed earth/dirt and rocks with 223 ft (68 meters) in elevation gain. Espere caminar sobre terreno consolidado y rocas. La ganancia de elevación es 223 pies (68 metros).

A few things to remember/ Algunos recordatorios:

  • Don't forget to bring comfortable shoes, sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water. No se olvide de llevar zapatos cómodos, protector solar, una gorra y mucha agua.
  • Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash. Los perros son bienvenidos pero deben estar atados con correa.
  • We will provide some snacks but feel free to bring your own. Le proporcionaremos algunos refrigerios, pero siéntase libre de traer los suyos.
  • There is a parking fee that Latino Outdoors will cover. Hay una tarifa de estacionamiento que Latino Outdoors cubrirá.
  • Carpooling is encouraged. Se recomienda el uso compartido de vehículos.
  • RSVP is required as we want to ensure a safe and attentive leader to participant ratio. Se requiere RSVP ya que queremos asegurar que la líder pueda estar atenta a todos los participantes y crear una experiencia segura para todos.
  • Fill out and sign the waiver. Link below. Complete y firme la exenciónEnlace abajo. https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/VwQc9ukLwNeSmBx4Z7uyYo/

Any questions?¿Alguna pregunta? Contact / Póngase en contacto con:


Washington 11 July 2023

Caring for Nason Creek - Cuidando el Arroyo Nason

Caring for Nason Creek | Cuidando el Arroyo Nason | Chelan-Douglas Land Trust (cdlandtrust.org)

Latino Conservation Week provides opportunities for Latinos and all of our community to show their support for permanently protecting our land, water, and air. To honor this movement CDLT is hosting a fun morning at Nason Creek to 1) remove the invasive Spotted Knapweed, 2) enjoy a short walk together as we learn about the fish habitat restoration projects, and 3) have a small picnic near the water. Snacks will be provided by CDLT.

Every year, endangered Spring Chinook and threatened steelhead migrate up hundreds of miles of river, making their way to Nason Creek. Nason Creek is 49 minutes from Wenatchee near Lake Wenatchee.

Kids are welcome to attend. Spotted Knapweed is easy to remove. This plant is seeding right now so all plants will be bagged and thrown away.

This event is limited to 8 participants. More information will be emailed to participants after registration.

Please contact Elisa for more information or if you have any questions elisa@cdlandtrust.org.


La Semana de la Conservación Latina brinda oportunidades para que los latinos y toda la comunidad muestren su apoyo a la protección permanente de nuestra tierra, agua y aire. Para honrar este movimiento, CDLT está organizando una mañana divertida en el Arroyo Nason para 1) eliminar una hierba mala invasiva, 2) disfrutar de una caminata corta juntos mientras aprendemos sobre los proyectos de restauración del hábitat de los peces y 3) tener un pequeño picnic cerca del arroyo. CDLT proporcionará refrigerios.

Cada año, el Spring Chinook en peligro de extinción y la trucha arcoíris amenazada migran cientos de millas de río arriba y se dirigen a el Arroyo Nason que está a 49 minutos de Wenatchee, cerca del Lago Wenatchee.

Los niños/jóvenes son bienvenidos a asistir. La mala hierba es fácil de quitar. Esta planta está sembrando en este momento, todas las plantas serán embolsadas y desechadas.

Este evento está limitado a 8 participantes. Se enviará más información por correo electrónico a los participantes después del registro.

Comuníquese con Elisa para obtener más información o si tiene alguna pregunta, elisa@cdlandtrust.org.

Caring for Nason Creek | Cuidando el Arroyo Nason | Chelan-Douglas Land Trust (cdlandtrust.org)

Connecticut 11 July 2023

Danbury Farmer's Market

Join UConn Extension for educational activities at the Danbury Farmer's Market. Our SNAP-ed team will be providing nutrition workshops while our Urban Agriculture team and our Urban and Community Forestry team will hold FREE tabling activities about agriculture, nature and much more! We hope you join us and our bilingual team! More info: https://danburyfarmersmarket.org/event/farmers-market-nutrition-workshop-live-music-more/ 


Acompaña al Sistema Cooperativo de Extensión Agraria de la Universidad de Connecticut en un día de actividades educacionales en el Mercado de Danbury. Nuestro equipo de SNAP-ed proveerá talleres de nutrición mientras que nuestro equipo de Agricultura Urbana y nuestro equipo de Silvicultura Urbana y Comunitaria tendrán actividades GRATIS sobre agricultura, naturaleza y mucho más en su mesa de exposición. ¡Nuestro equipo bilingüe te esperará allí! Para más información: https://danburyfarmersmarket.org/event/farmers-market-nutrition-workshop-live-music-more/ 

California 11 July 2023

4th Saturday Habitat Restoration Event

Join us during Latino Conservation Week for our 4th Saturday Habitat Restoration project at Struve Slough on Saturday, July 22nd from 9am to 12pm. We will meet at Hope Park (76 Hope Dr., Watsonville) and restore wetland habitat by removing invasive plants. The event will include a presentation on native plants and their uses by native peoples. 

This project is part of an on-going project to restore Struve Slough and develop environmental infrastructure in the wetlands and surrounding neighborhood in partnership with the City of Watsonville and grant funders including the Ocean Protection Council.

Pennsylvania 11 July 2023

Bilingual Historic Walking Tour

July 16, 2023 | 10-11:30am  |  16 de julio de 2023 | 10-11:30 h

Historic Walking Tour  |  Paseo histórico

Location | Ubicación
Greenwood Furnace State Park
15795 Greenwood Rd., Huntingdon, PA 16652

Join the park naturalist for a walk through the historic district and learn about the village that dominated the area for 70 years. Meet at the Blacksmith Shop. 
Acompañe al naturalista del parque en un paseo por el distrito histórico y conozca el pueblo que dominó la zona durante 70 años. Reunión en la herrería.


For more info | Para más información
Jen at 814-667-1805 or jennmoore@pa.gov

California 11 July 2023

Tamarindo Podcast Sunset Hike

For Latino Conservation Week, Tamarindo is hosting a free community hike. This family-friendly activity is a guided hike from Sycamore Grove Park to Debs Lake for a spectacular view of downtown Los Angeles.

Meeting Location: Tennis Courts on the north end of the park off Ave. 49

Address: 4702 N. Figueroa St, Los Angeles CA 90042 (street parking available, give yourself 5 mins to walk from your car to the courts)

Time: We will be at the tennis courts from 6-6:30, the hike starts promptly at 6:30pm.

Tips: Hiking shoes suggested, but regular sneakers will be fine. This is an easy hike, but there will be a moderate and brief incline towards the top. The hike is about 1.5 miles round trip and should take less than an hour.

Questions: brenda@tamarindopodcast.com

Connecticut 11 July 2023

De La Tierra Venimos - Afternoon Workshop

Taller de medio dia / Afternoon workshop @ 1469 Reservoir Ave, Bridgeport, CT (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM)

Este Evento contará con demostraciones prácticas de agricultura urbana en cambio climático, el impacto de los árboles en las temperaturas urbanas, prácticas para la salud del suelo, hierbas medicinales comestibles y cómo hacer sofrito.

This event will demonstrate urban farm practices in a changing climate, the impact of trees on urban temperatures, soil health practices, edible medicinal weeds, and how to make Sofrito.


Registro / Registration (FREE! / ¡GRATIS!)



Other information: Rain date is July 21 / Más información: De llover, el evento se llevará a cabo el dia 21 de julio

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.