Pennsylvania 13 July 2023

Bilingual Hike

July 22, 2023 | 10am  |  Bilingual Hike
22 de julio de 2023 | 10 de la mañana  |  Caminata bilingüe

Location | Ubicación
Susquehannock State Park 1880 Park Dr, Drumore, PA 17518

For more info | Para más información
Kelly at 717-252-1134 or

An easy 1.5 mile hike to the overlook and back. The trail is not stroller friendly. Wear appropriate shoes and bring water. Limited to the first 25-30 people who show up
Una caminata fácil de 1,5 millas hasta el mirador y vuelta. El sendero no es apto para cochecitos. Lleve calzado adecuado y agua. Limitado a las primeras 25-30 personas que se presenten.

Illinois 13 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week | Bilingual Hikes in Lincoln's Footsteps

Join us at Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial in celebration of Latino Conservation Week! We will have a booth set up in front of the Visitor Center where we will have engaging activities for the kids, as well as Junior Ranger books to become a Junior Ranger and get their Badge! The booth will be available to visitors all day. There will also be a bilingual guided hike from 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM CST. Anyone is welcome. Look for the interns in blue shirts, they will guide you to the Cabin site memorial and the Living Historical Farm where a replica of Lincoln's boyhood home is located. You'll get to learn about the trees and plants that grow in the area and much more! 



¡Únete a nosotros en el Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial para festejar el Latino Conservation Week! Tendremos un puesto con actividades para los pequeños e información sobre esta celebración. También será una gran oportunidad para que los niños se conviertan en Guardabosques Junior y se ganen su placa de Guardabosques. El puesto de información estará disponible todo el día hasta que cierre el parque. También abra una caminata bilingüe en español e inglés. La caminata será de las 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM CST. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Busquen a los trabajadores de camisas azules, ellos los llevarán hasta el sitio conmemorativo de la cabaña y la granja histórica donde hay una réplica de la cabaña de los Lincoln y donde creció Abraham Lincoln. ¡Podrán aprender más sobre los diferentes tipos de árboles y plantas que crecen en el área y mucho más!  



Wisconsin 13 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week in MKE: Playing & Paletas

Register here:


Come and celebrate Latino Conservation Week MKE: Playing & Paletas!

We will meet at Walkers Square Park and play at the park!. Then eat some paletas to cool off. We'll end with a raffle.

Bring your camera and/or smartphone to take some pictures. Selected photos will be published at Newline Cafe for the community to look at.

All levels welcome. Don't forget to bring your water bottle for an extra raffle ticket.


¡Ven y celebra la Semana Latina de la Conservación MKE: Playing & Paletas!

¡Nos reuniremos en Walkers Square Park y jugaremos en el parque! Luego come unas paletas para refrescarte. Terminaremos con una rifa.

Traiga su cámara y/o teléfono inteligente para tomar algunas fotos. Las fotos seleccionadas se publicarán en Newline Cafe para que la comunidad las vea.

Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No olvide traer su botella de agua para un boleto de rifa adicional.

Wisconsin 13 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week in MKE: Biking & Birria

Register here:


Come and celebrate Latino Conservation Week MKE: Biking & Birria!

We will meet at Mitchell Park Pavilion and go on the Hank Aaron Trail. Then eat some Birria. We'll end with a raffle.

Bring your camera and/or smartphone to take some pictures.

All levels welcome. Don't forget to bring your water bottle for an extra raffle ticket.


¡Ven y celebra la Semana Latina de la Conservación MKE: Biking & Birria!

Nos reuniremos en Mitchell Park Pavillion e iremos por el sendero Hank Aaron. Entonces come un poco de Birria. Terminaremos con un sorteo.

Traiga su cámara y/o teléfono inteligente para tomar algunas fotos.

Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No olvide traer su botella de agua para un boleto de rifa adicional.

Wisconsin 13 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week in MKE: Fotos y Flan/Frutas

Come and celebrate Latino Conservation Week MKE: Fotos y Flan!

We will meet at Clark Square Park and engage in some nature photography. Then eat some flan and fruit. We'll end with a raffle.

Bring your camera and/or smartphone to take some pictures. Selected photos will be published at Newline Cafe for the community to look at.

All levels welcome. Don't forget to bring your water bottle for an extra raffle ticket.


¡Ven y celebra la Semana Latina de la Conservación MKE: Fotos Y Flan!

Nos encontraremos en Clark Square Park y participaremos en algunas fotografías de la naturaleza. Luego come un poco de flan y fruta. Terminaremos con un sorteo.

Traiga su cámara y/o teléfono inteligente para tomar algunas fotos. Las fotos seleccionadas se publicarán en Newline Cafe para que la comunidad las vea.

Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No olvide traer su botella de agua para un boleto de rifa adicional.


Register here:

Wisconsin 13 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week in MKE: Trails & Tacos

Come and celebrate Latino Conservation Week MKE: Trails & Tacos!

We will meet at Pulaski Park and engage in some community hiking. Then eat some tacos. We'll end with a raffle.

All levels welcome. Don't forget to bring your water bottle for an extra raffle ticket.


¡Ven y celebra la Semana Latina de la Conservación MKE: Trails & Tacos!

Nos reuniremos en Pulaski Park y participaremos en algunas caminatas comunitarias. Entonces come unos tacos. Terminaremos con un sorteo.

Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No olvide traer su botella de agua para un boleto de rifa adicional.

California 12 July 2023

Azusa Beautiful Community Hike

Join Azusa Beautiful this Saturday, July 15 at 8 am for a hike/walk in our local Azusa Canyons. We'll be meeting at the Azusa Wilderness Park for a 2 mile round trip hike. During the hike you'll be able to see the beautiful San Gabriel River.  We'll be meeting at the picnic tables and heading out by 8:10 am.  There is plenty of parking. Bring your own water.  NOTE: There are no bathroom facilities.

California 12 July 2023

Colors of the Forest - Life of Trash

Join us for a day at the Angeles National Forest to learn about the importance of keeping the outdoors clean. Participants will be able to learn about the life cycle of trash, the importance of composting, and its effects on wildlife. This event will allow locals to learn of ways to become involved in maintaining ecosystems in and out of the forest. 

Colorado 12 July 2023

Get Outdoors Leadville! Latino Conservation Festival

¡Celebra la Semana de Conservación Latin@ con nosotros! Este sábado tendremos nuestro Festival de Conservacion Latin@ en Mountain View Village en Leadville, CO! La celebración nacional se creó para apoyar a nuestra comunidad Latina a participar en actividades al aire libre y en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales. ¡GOL! celebrará con un Festival de La Semana de Conservación Latin@ en Mountain View Village aquí en Leadville! Ofreceremos transportación con cupo de 12-14 para edades de 8 en adelante para los vecindarios de Lake Fork y Mountain Valley Estates.
Celebrate Latin@ Conservation Week with us! This Saturday we will have our Latin@ Conservation Festival at Mountain View Village in Leadville, CO! The national celebration was created to support our Latino community to participate in outdoor activities and activities to protect our natural resources. GOL! will celebrate with a Latin@ Conservation Week Festival at Mountain View Village here in Leadville! We will offer transportation for ages 8 and up for 12-14 people per bus to the Lake Fork and Mountain Valley Estates neighborhoods.
Utah 12 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week – Conservation Community Mixer

Conservation Community Crafting Mixer – Hablando de Conservación

Come let your voice be heard by meeting fellow members of the community and share something about what conservation means to you in the form of a postcard. Free crafting activities for children, raffle prizes, and light snacks/refreshments will be offered. Casual Latin music will also be provided by local artist, Shangulu.

  • WHEN: Saturday, July 22nd — 7pm-9pm
  • WHERE: Pioneer Park Picnic Pavilion — 375 Red Hills Pkwy, St. George, UT 84770

This outreach event is free and open to all members of the community – RSVP is not required, but sign up on this Google Form for any additional information or event updates:

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.