California 14 July 2023

LCW 2023 | Film Screenings and Filmmaker Q&As

Kicking off #LatinoConservationWeek festivities with a day of film screenings, storytelling, and filmmaker Q&As!

Join us live on YouTubeFacebook, or LinkedIn on Saturday July 15th at 6pm PST!

Tune in for screenings of:

Yo Cuento: Bajo Los Redwoods

Luchando por la Liberacion Ambiental

Hecho En Agua

La Morena followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Pita Juarez

Wading for Change Trailer

PREMIERE of Los Courage Camps: Creando Olas followed by a Q&A with filmmakers Yesenia De Casas and Fernando Ponce

Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latine/x community in getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. We are celebrating its 10th year with a conversations around conservation, comunidad, and cultura!



What if the registration is full? There is no maximum capacity for joining us live on YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Please join us there.

Who should attend? Anyone!

Will the event be recorded? Yes, this event will be recorded and available soon after on YouTube and Facebook.


Any questions about this event can be directed to Luisa Vargas at

California 14 July 2023

LCW 2023 | Soñadora Filmmaker Q&A Instagram Live

This Instagram Live conversation on Soñadora is in celebration of Latino Conservation Week. The following panelists will be joined by facilitator Latino Outdoors’ Communications Manager, Christian La Mont to share the story and mission behind the film, Soñadora, along with film Director Jr Rodriguez and protagonist Vanessa Chavarriaga.



The conversation will take place on Instagram Live on Sat. July 15th 10am PST for the kickoff of LCW



What if the registration is full? There is no maximum capacity for Instagram Live. Please join us there.

Who should attend? Anyone who wants to learn more Soñadora

Will the event be recorded? Yes, this event will be recorded and available on our Instagram shortly after it ends.

Any questions about this event can be directed to Luisa Vargas at


California 14 July 2023

LCW 2023 | Ranger Talks

This virtual panel conversation on Ranger Talks: Recreate Responsibly is in celebration of Latino Conservation Week. The following panelists will be joined by facilitator Christian La Mont to share a conversation between Park Rangers with Erick Cortes, Cristina Martinez, José Cabello, Estephany Campos Garcia, Virginia Delgado, Miguel A. Marquez.



The conversation will take place on Streamyard and broadcasted on Facebook on Sun. July 16th at 6PM PST



What if the registration is full? There is no maximum capacity for the Facebook stream. Please join us there.

Who should attend? Anyone who wants to learn more about Park Rangers, what their job is and how we can all recreate responsibly.

Will the event be recorded? Yes, this event will be recorded and available on our Facebook shortly after it ends.


Any questions about this event can be directed to Luisa Vargas at


Utah 14 July 2023

¡Vamos Afuera en Zion National Park! "Lets go outside at Zion National Park!"

Join Zion National Park on July 22nd, 2023, for their very first Latino Conservation Week event!  

Zion National Park is excited to invite you and your family to celebrate Latino Conservation Week with us for the first time. We will be offering a morning guided hike and traditional cultural activities in the afternoon. Our goal of these events is to embrace and enjoy nature while acknowledging the significance of Latinos in conservation and recreation.  


9am – Meet at the South Campground Ampitheater in Zion National Park 

Bring your own coffee and have cafecito with rangers and interns, prepare for the hike, and hear our welcome to Zion’s Latino Conservation Week. 

9:30am - Hike begins on the Pa’rus trail, leaving from South Campground Amphitheater

The hike will be approximately 2 miles long and will take around 1.5 hrs. The Pa’rus trail is a flat, paved walk next to the virgin river. It is wheelchair accessible, bike and dog friendly, and considered an easy hike. It will be hot, and there will not be much shade cover. Please, plan accordingly and wear comfortable shoes, cool clothes, a hat, and sunscreen. 

LUNCH – After the hike, there will be a break for lunch. Participants can bring their own lunch and are welcome to eat on the lawn at the nature center or explore the rest of the park. Food concessions are offered at the Zion Lodge, or in Springdale.  

1pm-4pm – Activities at the Nature Center  

Activity tables by our Latino Heritage Internship Program and Greening Youth interns. Come enjoy activities for the whole family and learn about the cultural research our interns are doing. Participants can expect loteria, mural, and mapping activities that will be set out on the lawn next to the Nature Center.  


Locations: The South Campground Amphitheater is accessible from the Nature Center Parking Lot, which is the second turn to the right after entering the park from the south entrance, or from walking up the Pa'rus trail from the Visitor Center. 

The Nature Center is located in-between the Museum (shuttle stop 2) and the Visitor Center (shuttle stop 1), and is right next to the South Campground. It is accessible from the Nature Center parking lot, which is the second right turn after entering from the South Entrance or walking up the Pa'rus trail from the visitor center about 10 minutes. 

Parking: There is usually parking spaces at the Nature Center parking lot before 9am. It is highly recommended to enter the park before 9am to find the best parking and to avoid traffic to enter the park. Other parking options in the park include the Visitor Center parking lot and pull outs along the road (if all four tires are on pavement and the car is not in the street). If parking in the park is full, there is parking in the town of Springdale, visitors can use the Springdale shuttle to get to the park entrance.  

What to Bring: Plenty of water, sunscreen, comfortable walking shoes, cool clothing, food or snacks, and the whole family!  

Questions? Please email with any questions.  


¡Únase al Parque Nacional Zion el 22 de julio de 2023 para su primer evento de la Semana de la Conservación Latina!

El Parque Nacional Zion se complace en invitarlo a usted y a su familia a celebrar la Semana de la Conservación Latina. Estaremos ofreciendo una caminata guiada por la mañana y actividades culturales tradicionales por la tarde. Nuestro objetivo de estos eventos es disfrutar la naturaleza mientras reconocemos la importancia de los latinos en la conservación y la recreación.


9am: encuentro en el South Campground Amphitheater en el Parque Nacional Zion

Traiga su propio café y tome un cafecito con park rangers y interns, prepárese para la caminata y escuche nuestra bienvenida a la Semana de la Conservación Latina de Zion.

9:30 am: comienza la caminata en el sendero Pa'rus, que sale de South Campground Amphitheater

La caminata será de aproximadamente 2 millas de largo y tomará alrededor de 1,5 horas. El sendero Pa'rus es un paseo llano y pavimentado junto al río virgen. Es accesible para silla de ruedas, apto para bicicletas y perros, y se considera una caminata fácil. Hará calor y no habrá mucha sombra. Por favor, planifique y use zapatos cómodos, ropa fresca, sombrero y protector solar.

ALMUERZO – Después de la caminata, habrá un descanso para almorzar. Los participantes pueden traer su propio almuerzo y pueden comer en el césped del Nature Center o explorar el resto del parque. Se puede encontra concesiones de alimentos en el Zion Lodge o en Springdale.

1:00pm-4:00pm – Actividades en el Nature Center

Mesas de actividades a cargo de nuestros interns del Programa de Latino Heritage Internship Progam y Greening Youth Foundation. Ven a disfrutar de actividades para toda la familia y conoce la investigación cultural que están realizando nuestros interns. Los participantes pueden esperar actividades de lotería, mural y mapeo que se establecerán en el césped junto al Nature Center.


Estacionamiento: Por lo general, hay espacios de estacionamiento en el estacionamiento del Nature Center antes de las 9 a.m. Se recomienda ingresar al parque antes de las 9 a.m. para encontrar el mejor estacionamiento y evitar el tráfico para ingresar al parque. Otras opciones de estacionamiento en el parque incluyen el estacionamiento del Centro de visitantes y las salidas a lo largo de la carretera (si las cuatro llantas están sobre el pavimento y el automóvil no está en la calle). Si el estacionamiento en el parque está lleno, hay opciones de estacionamiento en la ciudad de Springdale, los visitantes pueden usar el servicio de transporte de Springdale para llegar a la entrada del parque.

Direcciones: Se puede acceder al South Campground Ampitheater desde el estacionamiento del Nature Center, que es el segundo vuelta a la derecha después de ingresar al parque desde la entrada sur, o desde el sendero Pa'rus diez minutos desde el Centro de visitantes.

El Nature Center está ubicado entre el Human History Museum (parada 2 del autobús) y el Visitor Center (parada 1 del autobús) y está justo al lado del South Campground. Se puede acceder desde el estacionamiento del Nature Center, que es el segundo vuelta a la derecha después de ingresar desde la Entrada Sur o caminar por el sendero Pa'rus desde el centro de visitantes durante unos 10 minutos.

Qué traer: Mucha agua, protector solar, zapatos cómodos para caminar, ropa fresca, comida o bocadillos, ¡y toda la familia!

Preguntas? Por favor, envíe un correo electrónico a si tiene alguna pregunta.


New York 14 July 2023

Westchester County Latino Equity in Sustainability

1st observation of Latino Conservation Week in Westchester County, New York. Our panel of government officials will help encourage Latino equity in climate engagement in Westchester County as a result of our county now having 26% of our total population identified as Latino during the 2020 census. Our panelists will share innovative strategies in programming for racial equity, linguistic equity, equitable promotion of green jobs, and their experience supporting Latino and climate dialogues as public servants in government.

Master of Ceremonies

  • Alejandro Alvarez, Co-Founder & CEO of Soulful Synergy

Opening Speaker

  • Paul Presendieu, Chair of the City of New Rochelle's Ecology and Natural Resources Advisory Committee

Panelists include:

  • State Senator Nathalia Fernandez (Bronx & Westchester Counties)
  • Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Tasha Diaz
  • Port Chester Deputy Mayor Joan Grangenois-Thomas
  • Mount Kisco Trustee Karine Patiño

Our program is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18th @ 1:00 PM. Join us via Facebook Live at

Washington 14 July 2023

Gorge Latino Conservation Week

Satuday July 22nd

9:00 am.

Join us for a hike with

Friends of the Columbia


and the forest Service at Catherine Creek

We will meet

at Catherine Creek Wa, turn right off Highway 8: 486 Old Hwy 8

Nevada 14 July 2023

Chispa TX Documentary Screening “Youth V Gov”

Join Chispa Texas for a screening of “Youth V Gov.” The documentary follows 21 young Americans suing the world’s most powerful government to protect their constitutional rights to a stable climate. If they win, they will change the future. Watch on NETFLIX. 


RSVP form:

Oregon 14 July 2023

Gorge Latino Conservation Week

Friday July 21st
5:00 pm.
Join local environmental advocates in a panel discussion of environmental and social justice issues.
There will be food to celebrate Latino
Conservation Week in the
Riverside church 317 State
St. Hood River, OR 97031.
There will have local
environmental organizations sharing information with our community

Washington 14 July 2023

Gorge Latino Conservation Week

We invite you to talk and listen to the Guatemalan writer Jacobo Payes who will be presenting his poems and his experience in the fight for the environment.

White Salmon Library

77 NE Wauna Ave,

White Salmon, WA

Texas 14 July 2023

Chispa TX: Community Outing @ Goose Island State Park

Join Chispa Texas for party at the state park! We will have a shuttle to and from Goose Island State Park

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.