Colorado 24 May 2023


>> In English below
¡Celebremos al aire libre! es un evento comunitario bilingüe centrado en nuestras familias que conectara a la comunidad Latina de Roaring Fork y Colorado River Valley con nuestras Tierras Públicas.
¡Por la mañana, tendremos caminatas, rafting y un proyecto de restauracion! Whitewater Rafting comenzará en Two Rivers Park y se proporcionará transporte; otros eventos se llevarán a cabo fuera del sitio y los detalles se proporcionarán después del registro. Es necesario registrarse para todas las actividades del medio dia.
¡Por la tarde, únase a nosotros para actividades familiares donde habra vendedores de comida, juegos de césped, puestos y música en vivo en Two Rivers Park! No es necesario registrarse para la fiesta de la tarde, pero se agradece mucho. ¡Todas las actividades ocurrirán llueva o truene!
¡Celebremos al aire libre! is a bilingual family-centered, community event that will connect the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valley Latino community with public lands.
In the morning, we'll have hiking, rafting and more! Whitewater Rafting will start at Two Rivers Park and transportation will be provided; other events will take place off-site and details will be provided after registration. Registration is required for all noon activities.
In the afternoon, join us for family activities, food vendors, lawn games, booths, and live music by La Sonora Dinamita, Puro Norte, Samuel Fausto Y Carmen Corona La Patrona at Two Rivers Park! Registration is not required for the Afternoon Party, but is much appreciated. All activities will occur rain or shine!
Minnesota 22 May 2023

Pollinator Monitoring for Community Science

Great River Greening is Minnesota's leader in nature based climate solutions through land restoration. Our mission is to inspire, engage and lead local communities in conserving and caring for the lands and waters that enrich our lives.

During Latino Conservation Week, GRG will host an event at Crosby Farm park in St. Paul. Attendees will learn techniques to identify native bees and record their findings in Community Science databases such as  iNaturalist or Bumblebee Watch. 

In coordination with the University of Minnesota Bee Lab and the Xerces Society, Great River Greening (GRG) is piloting more accessible ways for community scientists to measure what pollinators can be seen at a site. Two methods we will teach attendees are the 3-Category (3CAT) monitoring protocol and to use the iNaturalist app. The 3CAT and iNaturalist app are accessible to anyone who can go out to a park or place where plants are in bloom. Both involve minimal training (no species level ID skills required), doesn’t require permits (any capture and release in the metro requires incidental take permits). The 3CAT does not require the use of technology whereas the iNaturalist app requires a smart phone or computer. The idea of the 3-Category Monitoring protocol is that a person can go out to an area, walk around for 30 minutes, and tally the numbers of organisms they see in three categories – honeybees, native bees, and “other pollinators”. This type of participatory science provides crucial information about the pollinator populations in an area, as well as introduces conservation topics and engaging information the participants can take with them after the event.  

Some pollinators of interest, Monarch Butterflies in particular, migrate from Minnesota/northern North America to Central and South America. The valuable organisms we are studying do not have borders and the conservation of these organisms is of equal concern to all people around the world. Many of these species are now very rare, and depend on this type of local, community engagement for their survival.   

California 11 May 2023

Campfire - Conchas and Seashells

What is inside a shell? Explore the wonders and workings of life inside these protective layers as we munch on delicious conchas or pan dulce! 5+yrs. Parent participation is required. Parking fees apply. Wheelchair accessible.

California 11 May 2023

Paletas in the Garden

Join us for a sweet celebration of Latino conservation efforts and the vibrant gifts of our Nectar Garden. Savor a delicious frozen treat while learning about the important role of pollinators in our ecosystem and the power of community. All ages. Parent participation required. Parking fees apply where charged. Wheelchair accessible.

California 11 May 2023

Cafecito with the Pajaritos

Start your morning with birds and cafecito(coffee)! Come together to celebrate birds and the conservation efforts of the Latino community on a leisurely walk along the marsh. Birders of all levels are welcome. We will have cafecito, hot cocoa, and binoculars to share. All ages. Parent participation is required. Parking fees apply where charged. Wheelchair accessible. 

California 08 May 2023

“Disfrutando - Aprendiendo - Conservando nuestra naturaleza.”

Es un día para ir a Los Padres National Park. “Chumash Wilderness”, para aprender, disfrutar y conservar nuestra naturaleza. 
Deseamos que las familias, juntas, puedan no solo salir a disfrutar de nuestra naturaleza, sino que también aprendan de ella y a su vez puedan conservarla. 

California 03 May 2023

Un día con las Ballenas

Visitar las Ballenas

Sabado Julio/22

Es un evento que tiene como fin:

  1. Apoyar el 2023 Latino Conservation Week.
  2. Educar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad sobre nuestra responsabilidad de cuidar la creacion.
  3. Disfrutar un dia al aire libre.

La actividad sera la siguiente:

8:00 a.m. Encuentro y desayuno. En Morro Bay State Park Campground.

9:00 a.m. Embarcamos en: 699 Embarcadero. Morro Bay.

9:00 a.m. a 12:30 Tour

1:00 p.m. Almorzamos 

Finalizamos con una charla sobre la creacion y nuestra responsabilidad de cuidarla


Texas 03 May 2023

Fun day at the Houston Botanic Garden.

Special field trip to the Houston Botanic Garden. Participants will have a fun day immersed in nature. There will be a guided tour where everyone will learn all about the garden and how it works. Participants will learn about the importance of biodiversity and stewardship. There will be a nature hike where everyone will have the opportunity to take photos and draw pictures on a journal.


Dia especial al Jardin Botanico de Houston. Los participantes tendran un divertido dia enfocandose en la naturaleza. Habra un guia que informara sobre el jardin y como funciona. Los participantes aprenderan sobre la importancia de la biodiversidad y cuidar y administrar de la naturaleza. Habra una caminata donde todos tendran la oportunidad de tomar fotos y hacer dibujos en caudernos.

New York 01 May 2023

New Rochelle Latino Day of Action

Join us for the first observance of Latino Conservation Week in the City of New Rochelle. We will be joined by City Councilwomen Martha Lopez and Yadira Ramos-Herbert for our community cleanup. Please register using our form found at We are also identifying your T-shirt size for volunteers that join us for a Latino-led day of action.

Minnesota 22 April 2023

Latino Conservation Week Festival

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, la Ciudad de Bloomington, Indigenous Roots y Huellas Latinas presentan Latino Conservation Week Festival, un evento donde celebramos las culturas de la comunidad latina y la naturaleza que nos conecta a todos. Ven a disfrutar un día de música, arte y comida. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a este evento gratuito!

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, the City of Bloomington, Indigenous Roots and Huellas Latinas presents Latino Conservation Week Festival, an event to celebrate the cultures that make up the Latino community and the nature that connects us all. Join us for a day of music, art, and food. Everyone is welcome at this free event!

Para más información visite/For more information, visit:

El Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los EE. UU. se compromete a garantizar que ninguna persona se excluye la participación en actividades o sea privado de beneficios de sus servicios sobre la base de alguna discapacidad. Por favor comuniquese con Oscar Hernández al correo ( con solicitudes de servicios u otras necesidades con validez de diez días antes del evento.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to these events for all participants. Please direct all requests for sign language interpreting services, close captioning, or other accommodation needs at least ten business days before the event to Oscar Hernandez at

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.