Arizona 12 July 2022

Upcycle workshop

We will learn the importance of upcycling and how to build a bench out of old tires

Arizona 12 July 2022

Bond & Build: Chispa AZ Grand Canyon Camping Trip

Like many public lands, the Grand Canyon is a beautiful place full of wonder, sacredness and inspiration but also a reminder of displacement, denial of heritage rights and political oppression for indigenous peoples. We will hold this balance in mind as we come together to bond and build, learning more about the work Chispa is doing in Arizona and on a National landscape; as well as holding space for our indigenous relatives to share some of their work and opportunities for collaboration, while camping.

Pennsylvania 12 July 2022

Latino Conservation Week - Kayaking event

Come celebrate Latino Conservation Week at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday, July 17th, from 3:30 pm - 5 pm.

Join us for a fun Kayaking adventure with trained LL Bean staff.
Activity for 8 yeard old participants and up.
Spots are limited! To register, please email

See you there!

California 12 July 2022

Independence from Fossil Fuels

Celebrate our Independence (from fossil fuels)! Join our Virtual Contest to learn about Electric Cars, how they save you money on expensive gas, and how to save thousands of dollars when you get one. Bonus: Compete for prizes!

The link you can use for this image is:

Maryland 12 July 2022

Festival del Río Patapsco


Si necesita ayuda en inscribirse, contacta a Valerie (información a continuación)

Exploremos la importancia del agua a través de actividades divertidas para toda la familia! Algunas actividades incluyen: exploración de macroinvertebrados, esnórquel, la pesca, y más!



If you need assistance with registration, contact Valerie (information below) 

Explore the importance of water through fun activities for the whole family! Activities include: macroinvertebrate exploration, snorkeling, fishing, and more! 




Virginia 12 July 2022

Culmore Explora su Cuenca / Culmore Explores their Watershed

Este verano, comienza tu capacitación como líder ambiental y haz la diferencia en tu comunidad. Los estudiantes de secundaria de 13 a 15 años son elegibles para recibir capacitación gratuita que comienza con una exploración guiada del cercano arroyo Holmes Run. Aprenderás:

  • Sobre la salud y los desafíos de la cuenca hidrográfica de Culmore
  • Cómo puedes hacer la diferencia para la justicia ambiental en tu comunidad y
  • Formas de compartir tu amor por la naturaleza con los niños más pequeños.

¡Deja que tu pasión te lleve a aprender nuevas habilidades y tomar oportunidades!

California 12 July 2022

Monarch Butterfly Garden Planting

The City of Soledad, Save the Whales, and the Girl Scouts will be hosting a Butterfly Garden planting event. The Monarch Butterfly is crucial to our ecosystem and is an important component of the Latino culture. Every year Monarch Butterflies migrant from Mexico to the US and Canada. The Monarch, representing the plight of immigrants, has seen a decline in recent years and this garden will serve as a resting and feeding point for these beautiful creatures. 

Colorado 11 July 2022

La Escuelita y Senderismo

Como parte de la Semana de latinos para conservación ambiental 
El programa La Escuelita y SSJ Broads se han asociado para ofrecer oportunidades a los niños latinxs durante los meses de verano para salir a la naturaleza. SSJ Broads espera orientar a los padres voluntarios y a los estudiantes latinos sobre la seguridad al aire libre, la observación y el respeto a la naturaleza y animales salvajes cerca de casa, y el disfrute de los beneficios en la salud preservando la naturaleza.

Los eventos comenzarán el 16 de Julio durante la Latino Conservation Week. 

Julio 16 @ Dallabetta Park
Julio 30th @ Falls Creek
Agosto 13th @ Lime Creek

Las familias podrán recibir equipo necesario para hacer senderismo. Llevaran información educativa importante. Transportación, comida y meriendas incluidas. 


As part of Latino Conservation Week 
La Escuelita and SSJ Broads have partnered to provide opportunities for Latino children during the summer months to get out into nature. SSJ Broads hopes to orient parent volunteers and Latino students about outdoor safety, observing and respecting nature and wild animals close to home, and enjoying the health benefits of preserving nature.

Events will begin on July 16 during Latino Conservation Week.

July 16 @ Dallabetta Park
July 30th @ Falls Creek
August 13th @ Lime Creek

Families will be able to receive hiking equipment. They will bring important educational information. Transportation, lunch and snacks are included.

Nevada 11 July 2022

North American Congress for Conservation Biology: Conservation Science Principles for Mapping 30x30 Objectives and Outcomes

In this session, taking place during Latino Conservation Week, you will learn how the initiative to protect 30% of lands, waters, and ocean can be achieved with the engagement and leadership of communities of color - and accomplish far more than our biodiversity and climate goals. Centering communities and the values of Love, Faith, and Justice can move us toward a happier and healthier society that moves in concert with nature.

  • Love: Case studies showing the power of protecting BIPOC heritage sites and sites important to communities of color.
  • Faith: The impact of Hispanic Access Foundation's work with Por La Creacion Faith-Based Alliance, and the importance of protecting sacred indigenous sites.
  • Justice: Exploring the Nature Gap, injustice in the outdoors, and how 30x30 can serve all people, if done intentionally.
California 11 July 2022

Un Encuentro con la Creación y las personas de la tercera edad / An Encounter with The Creation and the Elderly

Un día con la naturales es un evento en el cual deseamos que las personas mayores de edad, puedan salir de su entorno diario, para que puedan tener un encuentro con la naturaleza. Pasear, conocer mas acerca de nuestra región, lagos, plantas, respirar aire fresco.

Nos estaremos reuniendo en la iglesia, y de allí, saldremos para Cachuma Lake.


A day with the nature is an event in which we want the elderly to be able to leave their daily environment, so that they can have an encounter with nature, walk, learn more about our region, lakes, plants, breathe fresh air.

We will be meeting at the church, and from there, we will leave for Cachuma Lake.

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.