Florida 11 August 2024

DRAGON Squad Celebration

Join the DRAGON Squad (Dedicated Researchers Adventuring for Greener Outdoors Now) to celebrate Latino Conservation Week. We will meet at 3:30pm in Immokalee Community Academy's cafeteria. All students and families welcome! We'll begin our celebration by hearing from local conservation leaders, then play some plant games as a group, enjoy snacks, and socialize.  


California 10 August 2024

Juntxs en la naturaleza|Kayaking Elkhorn Slough

Join Juntxs en la naturaleza collaborative for a FREE bilingual guided tour of Elkhorn Slough.


All participants must fill out a waiver.


WHEN: September 20, 2024, 6:00pm-8:00pm

WHERE: Elkhorn Slough, Moss Landing, CA 95039

WHO: Families

WHAT TO BRING: Sun protection, water, snacks, sandals/water shoes, shorts to get in the water, layers, extra clothes in case you get wet, binoculars if you have them. Kayak Connection will provide the kayaks, life vests and waterproof jackets.

ABOUT THE REGISTRATION: Spaces are limited. If you are interested in attending email juan@elkhornslough.org to register. 


Únase al collaborativo Juntxs en la naturaleza para un tour guiado en Elkhorn Slough.


Todos los participantes deberán llenar un formulario de exención.


CUÁNDO: 20 de Septiembre, de 8:30 am a 12:00 pm.

DÓNDE: Elkhorn Slough, Moss Landing, CA 95039

QUIÉN: Familias

QUÉ LLEVAR: Protección solar, agua, aperitivos, sandalias/zapatos de agua, shorts para entrar al agua(knee high to launch kayak, capas de ropa, extra ropa en caso de que se mojen, binoculares si los tienen. Kayak Connection provera los kayaks, los salva vidas and chamarras contra el agua.

SOBRE LA INSCRIPCIÓN: Espacios son limitados. Si estas interesado en asistir manda un mensaje a juan@elkhornslough.org para registrarte. 

Ohio 09 August 2024

Rain Barrel Workshop

Learn how to harvest rainwater for all your garden needs and to combat stormwater pollution in your community by constructing a rain barrel! A rain barrel is a container used to collect and store rainwater that would otherwise be lost to runoff and likely diverted to a storm drain. Collected water may then be used to water lawns and gardens. All participants may be eligible for a free rain barrel.

Join our workshop for a brief presentation and demonstration on how to set up your rain barrel, plus help us paint a community rain barrel to be raffled at the end of Latino Conservation Week. Food will be provided.

The Latine Environmental Colectivo is a member of Cleveland's Young Latino Network. Check out our other events happening during #LCW2024.


¡Aprende a cosechar agua de lluvia para todas las necesidades de tu jardín y a combatir la contaminación por aguas pluviales en tu comunidad construyendo un barril de lluvia! Un barril de lluvia es un recipiente utilizado para recolectar y almacenar agua de lluvia que de otro modo se perdería en la escorrentía y probablemente sería desviada a un desagüe pluvial. El agua recolectada se puede utilizar para regar céspedes y jardines. Todos los participantes pueden ser elegibles para un barril de lluvia gratuito.

Únete a nuestro taller para una breve presentación y demostración sobre cómo configurar tu barril de lluvia, además de ayudarnos a pintar un barril de lluvia que se sorteará al final de la Semana de Conservación Latina. Se proporcionará comida.

El Latine Environmental Colectivo es miembro de Young Latino Network en Cleveland. Echa un vistazo a nuestros otros eventos que se llevarán durante #LCW2024.


Ohio 09 August 2024

Community Cleanup

Join the Latine Environmental Colectivo for a community cleanup on Memphis Avenue & Fulton Road! We will be working to maintain the beauty of the public space and will host a celebration to wrap up Latino Conservation Week at the local Puerto Rican market, 787 Market & Café.

The Latine Environmental Colectivo is a member of Cleveland's Young Latino Network. Check out our other events happening during #LCW2024.


¡Únase al Latine Environmental Colectivo para una limpieza comunitaria en Memphis Avenue y Fulton Road! Trabajaremos para mantener la belleza del espacio público y organizaremos una celebración para terminar la Semana de Conservación Latina en el mercado puertorriqueño local, 787 Market & Café.

El Latine Environmental Colectivo es miembro de Young Latino Network en Cleveland. Echa un vistazo a nuestros otros eventos que se llevarán durante #LCW2024.

Ohio 09 August 2024

Cafecito Green

In Cleveland, Ohio conservation looks like healing our relationship with each other and with land that has been historically misused, polluted, and abused. As a deindustrialized city where the smokestacks of the steel industry still dot our skyline, where lead and toxins are found in our soil, the Latine Environmental Colectivo seeks to center lived experiences of our comunidad and to be a catalyst for environmental change.

Cafecito Green is a conversation that will provide a platform for the comunidad to discuss environmental and conservation concerns that are impacting our local Latine community. Conservation and environmental areas of concern that are specific to the Cleveland Latine community will be identified and serve as the guiding direction of the Latine Environmental Colectivo. Join us and members of the Latine community for café y conversación, bringing forward these issues to promise a better future for nuestra comunidad.

Thank you to our host site and organization First Tee Cleveland. First Tee Cleveland is a youth development organization that enables kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create active learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids can carry to everything they do.

The Latine Environmental Colectivo is a member of Cleveland's Young Latino Network. Check out our other events happening during #LCW2024.

California 08 August 2024

Latino Conservation Week Celebration: De la Tierra Nacimos

Join us as we come together to learn and talk about community science and our surrounding ecosystems. We will celebrate in the courtyard of the Crissy Field Center and have the opportunity to engage in tabling activities, arts and crafts and more fun! We'll end the event with some delicious food! #DeLaTierraNacimos

If you have any questions, please reach out to to Aurora at Aurora.Cortes@LatinoOutdoors.Org

Oregon 07 August 2024

Fiesta de Superhéroes de la Naturaleza

Spend an afternoon with us at the nature park and discover what it takes to be a nature superhero! We will have activities for the whole family to enjoy!

The Tualatin Hills Nature Center is partnering with local Latinx-owned businesses and organizations to host a FREE party in celebration of Latino Conservation Week and Welcoming Week. We will have a DJ, Food by Mi Xalisco (first 50 people will get a free meal), a raffle with great prizes, guided hikes, crafts and so much more.


Pasen una tarde divertida en el parque natural y descubre lo que se necesita para ser un superhéroe de la naturaleza! Tendremos actividades para toda la familia. 

El Tualatin Hills Nature Center se está asociando con varias empresas latinas y diferentes organizaciones locales para organizar una fiesta GRATUITA en celebración de Latino Conservation Week y la Semana de Bienvenida. Tendremos DJ, comida por Mi Xalisco (las primeras 50 personas obtendrán un bono), rifa con buenos premios, caminatas guiadas, manualidades y mucho más!


California 06 August 2024

Wetland Wonders!

¡Únase con nosotros para pasar un día en la naturaleza en el hermoso humedal de Los Ángeles, Ballona Wetlands, donde aprenderemos sobre este increíble ecosistema! Ofreceremos una caminata bilingüe por nuestra marisma de agua dulce, un espectáculo de aves rapaces y artesanías para todos. También se proporciona un pan dulce y almuerzo. Este es un evento divertido y gratuito para todas las familias. Vengan a disfrutar y a mostrar la importancia de las voces latinas en los espacios al aire libre.

*Este evento requiere registro para asistir. Por favor haga clic en el enlace proporcionado para registrarse. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/nug3vy8/lp/72a5545a-3bfa-4ac2-97bf-34950138c569


Join us for a day out in nature at LA’s beautiful wetland, Ballona Wetlands where we will be learning about this amazing ecosystem! We’ll be providing a bilingual walk around our freshwater marsh, a raptor show, and arts and crafts for everyone. A breakfast snack and lunch is also provided. This is a fun free event for all families to come and enjoy, and to showcase the importance of latino voices in outdoor spaces.

* This event requires registration to attend. Please click the link provided to register: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/nug3vy8/lp/72a5545a-3bfa-4ac2-97bf-34950138c569


Estacionamiento: Estacionamiento en la calle en Bluff Creek Drive frente al parque; Las señales de estacionamiento limitan el estacionamiento a 2 horas (la duración del evento).

Parking: Street parking on Bluff Creek Drive in front of the park; parking signs limit parking to 2 hours (the length of the event).

Registro: Es necesario registrarse. También deberá firmar la renuncia digital.

Registration: Registration is required. You must also sign the digital waiver.


Edades: Todas las edades son bienvenidas, solicitamos que todos los niños pequeños sean supervisados.

Ages: All ages are welcome, we request all young children be supervised.


Qué ponerse: ¡Se requieren zapatos cerrados! ¡Trae su propia botella de agua! Recomendamos vestirse con capas apropiadas para el clima que no le importe ensuciar un poco, junto con un sombrero. También se recomiendan pantalones largos para protegerse contra las plantas.

What to wear: Close-toed shoes are required! Bring your own water bottle! We recommend dressing in weather-appropriate layers that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty, along with a hat. Long pants are also recommended to protect against occasional prickly plants.


Qué traer: ¡Trae tu propia botella de agua! Tendremos dos orinales en el parque para este evento.

What to bring: Bring your own water bottle! We will have two port a potties at the park for this event.


Por favor llegue a tiempo: ¡comenzaremos puntualmente! Si llega tarde, tendrá que caminar por el parque para encontrarnos. 

Please arrive on time: We will begin promptly! If you are late, you will need to look through the park to find us. 

Protocolos Covid-19: Recomendamos que los participantes cumplan con las pautas de seguridad aplicables de salud pública COVID-19.

Covid-19 Protocols: We recommend that participants comply with applicable public health COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Cancelaciones: Por seguridad, debemos cancelar si está lloviendo. Por favor, consulte el tiempo antes de llegar. Si no está seguro, llámenos o consulte nuestras redes sociales para ver los anuncios de cancelación. Envíe un correo electrónico a samaya@ballonafriends.org si necesita cancelar su reserva para que podamos admitir personas de la lista de espera.

Cancellations: For safety, we must cancel if it’s raining. Please check the weather before arriving. If you’re not sure, please call us or check our social media for cancellation announcements. Please email samaya@ballonafriends.org if you need to cancel your reservation so we can admit people from the waitlist.


Florida 05 August 2024

Cuentos con Susie | Story Time with Susie

 Celebrate Latino Conservation Week with Susie the American Kestrel! We will read two nature-themed children's books in Spanish and get up close with North America’s smallest falcon. This program is free with admission to the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey and takes place in our gazebo over Lake Sybelia. All ages are welcome!

Florida 03 August 2024

Family Fun Night

Join us as we come together to celebrate the start of Hispanic Heritage Month & Latino Conservation Week with our Family Fun Night event on Friday, September 20th from 4:30-6:30 at Lakes Park! This free event will showcase the vital role of the monarch butterfly, highlighting its cultural significance within Latinx communities and its essential environmental role as a pollinator. Experience a range of exciting activities, such as planting cempasúchil (marigold) seeds in compostable pots, bilingual birding, hoverball archery, exciting archaeology explorations, and more. Don't miss out on this unique and educational event!

Únete a nosotros para celebrar el inicio del Mes de la Herencia Hispana y la Semana Latina de la Conservación con nuestro evento "Noche de Diversión Familiar" el viernes 20 de septiembre de 4:30 a 6:30 en Lakes Park. ¡Este evento gratuito destacará el papel vital de la mariposa monarca, subrayando su importancia cultural dentro de las comunidades Latinx y su papel esencial en el medio ambiente como polinizadora! Disfruta de una variedad de actividades emocionantes, como plantar semillas de cempasúchil en macetas compostables, avistamiento de aves bilingüe, tiro con arco, exploraciones arqueológicas emocionantes y mucho más. ¡No te pierdas este evento único y educativo!



LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.