September 20, 2024

Family Day at Kings Beach State Recreation Area/ Día de familia en el área de recreación estatal de Kings Beach

Event Description:


Family day at Kings Beach State Recreation Area is a bilingual after school event dedicated to spending time together learning about how to take care of nature, wildlife and our communities. We will have educational opportunities to learn, and practice leave no trace, bear awareness and campfire safety. There will also be a Jr. Ranger nature journaling activity! Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. This event is FREE and open to the public. There is a $10 a day or $3 an hour parking fee at Kings Beach State Recreation Area so carpooling is recommended.



El día de familias en el Área Recreativa Estatal de Kings Beach es un evento bilingüe después de la escuela dedicado a pasar tiempo juntos aprendiendo sobre cómo cuidar la naturaleza, la vida silvestre y nuestras comunidades. Tendremos oportunidades educativas para aprender sobre los osos, recrear sin dejar huellas, y seguridad con las fogatas. ¡También habrá actividades para Jr. Rangers como creando un diario para la naturaleza! Se proporcionarán refrescos y aperitivos ligeros. Este evento es GRATUITO. Hay una tarifa de estacionamiento de $10 por día o $3 por hora en el Área Recreativa Estatal de Kings Beach, por lo que se recomienda compartir el automóvil. 

Event Hosts:
California State Parks, Sierra State Parks Foundation and California Conservation Corps

Date & time:
September 20, 2024
2:00PM  -  5:00PM

Kings Beach State Recreation Area
8318 N Lake Blvd
Kings Beach, CA, 96143

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact Genomé Rodriguez with California State Parks at 530-489-8909 or

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.