September 22, 2024

Latino Conservation Week River Clean Up

Event Description:

Join us for our Whitewater River Cleanup and help protect this vital waterway!

Keeping the wild and scenic Whitewater River clean is essential for preserving the life of the preserve and ensuring the quality of the water we use in our homes. By participating, you’ll play a crucial role in preventing pollution and safeguarding our natural resources.

Together, we can keep our river—and our water—clean and healthy for everyone.

Register here:


¡Únase a nosotros para nuestra limpieza del río Whitewater y ayude a proteger esta fuente de agua natural vital!

Mantener limpio el río Whitewater es esencial para preservar la vida de la reserva y garantizar la calidad del agua que utilizamos en nuestros hogares. Al participar, jugarás un papel crucial en la prevención de la contaminación y la salvaguardia de nuestros recursos naturales.

Juntos, podemos mantener nuestro río, y nuestra agua, limpios y saludables para todos.


Registrarse aqui:

Event Hosts:
The Wildlands Conservancy | Desert Preserves

Date & time:
September 22, 2024
9:00 am  -  11:00 am

Whitewater Preserve
9160 Whitewater Canyon Road
Whitewater, CA, 92282

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact The Wildlands Conservancy with The Wildlands Conservancy at 760-325-7222 or

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.