September 14, 2024

Watershed Walk at Tijuana River Valley Regional Park

Event Description:

Join us as we explore the watershed at the Tijuana River Regional Park. During this bilingual guided walk, you will learn about the plants, animals, and communities that live along the watershed and depend on clean air and water. Casa Familiar, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Natural History Museum, Living Coast Discovery Center, County of San Diego Parks and Recreation, the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will facilitate and support this walk.

Acompáñenos mientras exploramos la cuenca en Tijuana River Regional Park. Durante esta caminata guiada bilingüe aprenderá sobre las plantas, animales, y comunidades que viven a lo largo de la cuenca y dependen de agua y aire limpio. Casa Familiar, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Natural History Museum, Living Coast Discovery Center, County of San Diego Parks and Recreation, the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, y U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facilitaran y apoyaran durante esta caminata.

Meeting Location: Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, 2721 Monument Road, San Diego, CA 92154
Locación de encuentro: Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, 2721 Monument Road, San Diego, CA 92154

Driving directions: Follow I-5 and take Exit 2 onto Dairy Mart Rd. Go west on Dairy Mart Rd., then turn left into the parking lot along Monument Rd, San Diego.
Direcciones de manejo: Siga el I-5 y tome Exit 2 hacia Dairy Mart Rd. Diríjase hacia el oeste en Dairy Mart Rd. y de vuelta a la izquierda hacia el estacionamiento a lo largo de Monument Rd, San Diego.

Suggested parking: Parking is available at the Tijuana River Valley Regional Park parking lot near the trailhead.
Sugerencia de estacionamiento: Hay estacionamiento disponible en el estacionamiento de Tijuana River Valley Regional Park cerca del inicio del sendero.

Restrooms and Water: Bathrooms are available at the ranger station. There are no water fountains; please come prepared with a large refillable water bottle. Some water and light refreshments will be available at the check-in booth.
Baños y agua: Hay baños disponibles en la estación del guardabosque. No hay fuentes de agua; por favor vaya preparado con una botella llena de agua grande. Habrá agua y algunas botanas disponibles en el check-in.

Hike length: Approximately 1.5 miles
Longitud de la caminata: Aproximadamente 1.5 millas.

Program Supplies: Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for hiking. Shoes with good traction and long pants are highly recommended. Please come prepared with bug protection, sun protection, hiking poles (if desired), water, and preferred snacks.
Provisiones para el programa: Por favor use ropa cómoda y zapatos para caminatas. Zapatos con Buena tracción y pantalones largos son altamente recomendados. Por favor venga preparado con repelente de insectos, protección solar, bastones de senderismo (si desea), agua, y sus botanas de preferencia.  

Hiking level: Moderate—difficult due to rocky terrain/erosion and incline. It is not accessible for strollers, walkers, and wheelchairs.
Nivel de la caminata: Moderado-difícil debido a terreno rocoso, erosión, e inclinamiento. No es accesible a carriolas, andadoras, o silla de ruedas.

No pets will be allowed on the hike.
Las mascotas no son permitidas en la caminata.

This event supports Tijuana River Action Month and Latino Conservation Week. Find more resources and events through the links below:
Este evento apoya al Mes de Acción del Río Tijuana y la Semana de Conservación Latina. Encuentre más recursos y eventos por medio del link abajo:

Event Hosts:
Casa Familiar, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Natural History Museum, Living Coast Discovery Center, County of San Diego Parks and Recreation, the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Date & time:
September 14, 2024
9:00 AM  -  11:00 AM

Tijuana River Valley Regional Park
2721 Monument Road
San Diego, CA, 92154

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact Nancy Fernandez with USFWS at 760-420-3175 or

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.