September 20, 2024

/Caminata Comunitaria de Limpieza con Vitalistic Wellness

Event Description:

Join us to pick up trash along the trail toward the Jump Creek Waterfall In an effort to help keep our parks and communities clean. We’ll provide trash bags, gloves and trash pickers as well as light snacks and water.

Date and Time: Friday, September 20 from 8:00 - 10:30 AM

Registration: Please reserve your spot by contacting program lead via text to 208-242-4476. This program is capped at 20 participants.

Meet Us: Meet at Chevron in Marsing by 8:00 AM so everyone can drive there together (approximately 15 minute drive.)

What to Bring: Water and closed-toed shoes (no sandals)

Accessibility: Ample parking, limited accessibility due to terrain, bathrooms located near parking area.

Program Leader: This program is led by Dr. Javier Del Hoyo and Efrain Rodriguez from Vitalistic Wellness Institute


Venga con nosotros a recoger basura a lo largo del sendero que lleva a la cascada de Jump Creek. Una actividad que nos ayudará a mantener limpios nuestros parques y comunidades. Daremos bolsas de basura, guantes y recolectores de basura, así como bocadillos ligeros y agua.

Fecha y Hora: Viernes, 20 de septiembre, de 8:00 - 10:30 AM

Punto de Encuentro: Nos encontraremos en Chevron, en Marsing, a las 8:00 AM para que todos puedan conducir juntos. (aproximadamente 15 minutos de trayecto)

Qué Debe Traer: Agua y calzado cerrado (nada de sandalias)

Accesibilidad: Amplio estacionamiento, accesibilidad limitada debido al terreno, baños situados cerca de la zona de estacionamiento.

Líderes: Programa dirigido por el Dr. Javier Del Hoyo y Efraín Rodríguez de Vitalistic Wellness Institute

Event Hosts:
Idaho LCW Planning Committee

Date & time:
September 20, 2024
8:00 AM  -  10:30 AM

Location:Jump Creek Falls Trailhead, meeting at Chevron in Marsing
5644 Buntrock Rd
Marsing, ID, 83639

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact Planning Committee with LCW Idaho Planning Committee at 208-901-1327 or

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.