Event Description:
HAF and the IERCD are partnering with the SB County MGs to host a native seed planting kit pick up event and car parade. The event will be held at the beautiful MVNC. The hope is that participants will plant and care for their native species including a CA Poppy, Arroyo Lupine, or Narrow Leaf Milkweed to create a sense of stewardship for plants and other natural resources. The plant can then be implmented into a garden our outdoor space in Fall to offer the beginnings of a habitat for California native pollinators and other beneficial insects.
Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF), Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), Mary Vagle Nature Center (MVNC), and the San Bernardino County Master Gardeners (Sb County MGs)
Date & time:
July 25, 2020
Mary Vagle Nature Center