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31 July 2017

NOAA, Hispanic Access Foundation host marine education and whale watch tour for Lawrence, Massachusetts, students

More than 125 students and families of Dominican-American and other diverse backgrounds from Lawrence, Massachusetts area public schools participated in a whale watch and marine life adventure of a lifetime on Saturday in Stellwagen Bank…
31 July 2017

NOAA y Hispanic Access Foundation Organizan un Tour de Educación Marina y Observación de Ballenas para Estudiantes de Lawrence, Massachusetts

Más de 125 estudiantes y familias de origen Dominico-americanos y otras ascendencias de escuelas públicas del área de Lawrence, Massachusetts, participaron el sábado en una observación de ballenas y una aventura para recordar toda la…
27 July 2017

Save the Redwoods League: On the Trails and in the Redwoods, Celebrating Latino Conservation Week

Summer is the best. Schools are out, the days are long, the weather is spectacular, and, here in California, we have the some of the greatest parks anywhere in the world. There is nothing that…
26 July 2017

Fort Ord National Monument, CA: Participants Donate 96 Volunteer Hours of Trail Maintence

Twenty-four participants joined MORCA (Monterey Off-Road Cycling Association) for a special trail work day on Saturday, July 15, 2017 to kick off Latino Conservation Week at the Fort Ord National Monument. A total of 96…
23 July 2017

The Sentinel-Record Hot Springs, AR: Latino Community flocks to event at Hot Springs National Park

The local Latino community made a strong showing at Saturday's Latino Conservation Week celebration in Hot Springs National Park, and one of the event's organizers said it may have sparked some long-term interest in the…

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.