Maryland 14 July 2023

Nature Forward - LCW Bilingual Forest Bathing Walk / Caminata bilingüe de baño de bosque

Join Nature Forward for this event!

¡Unete a Nature Forward para este evento!

Take a free bilingual guided meditation walk among the trees!
¡Ven a una caminata de meditación bilingüe gratuita entre los árboles!

More information on forest bathing/Más información sobre baños de bosque: 
Saturday/Sábado July/Julio 15, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM)

Address / Dirección:  
Tanglewood Park
5398 Tanglewood Dr, Riverdale, MD 20737

New York 14 July 2023

Westchester County Latino Equity in Sustainability

Panel discussion highlighting Latino leaders in government to discuss racial equity in climate-related mitigation for our growing Latino Community. Westchester County now has a total population that is over 26% Latino, which calls for innovative strategies in race relations through linguistic equity and intentional programming to ensure that support is given to communities that have been left behind. Our panel will be featuring:

  • New York State Senator Nathalia Fernandez (Bronx & Westchester Counties)
  • Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Tasha Diaz 
  • Port Chester Deputy Mayor Joan Grangenois-Thomas
  • Mount Kisco Trustee Karine Patiño

This is the 1st Westchester County observance of Latino Conservation Week. Please join our discussion via Facebook Live to hear about innovative programming and how we could best support Latino Equity in climate engagement.

California 14 July 2023

Familias Navegando El Slough

Join members of Hispanic Access Foundation's Olas Y Accion and Latino Outdoors Central Coast for a bilingual guided boat tour along Elkhorn Slough. Watch sea otters, harbor seals, sea lions, and bird species as we explore one of California's most spectacular wetlands aboard a stable, 27-foot US Coast Guard inspected pontoon boat. 

District of Columbia 14 July 2023

“La gallina y la tortilla de maíz” with Teatro La Bolsa

“La gallina y la tortilla de maíz” with Teatro La Bolsa  

Turuleca hen is looking for help cooking corn tortillas. Will the farm animals help her? Teatro La Bolsa, a local Latin-American theatre company, will present a bilingual play for children that highlights the value of friendship, solidarity, and sharing. Families are invited to participate in this fun, interactive performance in front of Peirce Mill, where people still grind corn today!

After the play, families are invited to tour the mill, try grinding corn by hand, or use cornmeal play dough to make their own pretend tortillas!

Playwright: KAM Chacana

Performers: Patricia Meneses, Jose Gonzalez, and Karen Morales-Chacana

Date: Saturday, July 22, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Rain date: Sunday, July 23, 11:00am to 12:00pm

Free public programs at Peirce Mill are supported by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.


“La gallina y la tortilla de maiz”
con Teatro La Bolsa
Gallina turuleca busca ayuda para cocinar tortillas de maíz. ¿La ayudarán los animales de la granja? Teatro La Bolsa, una compañía local de teatro latinoamericano, presentará una obra bilingüe para niños que destaca el valor de la amistad, la solidaridad y el compartir. Las familias están invitadas a participar en esta actuación divertida e interactiva frente a Peirce Mill, ¡donde la gente todavía muele maíz hoy en día!
Después de la obra, se invita a las familias a recorrer el molino, tratar de moler maíz a mano o usar masa de harina de maíz para hacer sus propias tortillas de juguete.
Dramaturgia: KAM Chacana
Intérpretes: Patricia Meneses, José González y Karen Morales-Chacana
Fecha: sábado 22 de julio de 11:00 a 12:00 hrs.
Fecha de lluvia: domingo 23 de julio, de 11:00 a  12:00 hrs.
Los programas públicos gratuitos en Peirce Mill cuentan con el apoyo de la Comisión de Artes y Humanidades de DC.
Pennsylvania 13 July 2023

Bilingual Nature Center and Bat Program

July 22, 2023
4:30-7pm: Nature Center
8:30pm: Bat Program

22 de julio de 2023
16:30-19:00: Centro de la Naturaleza
20:30: Programa sobre murciélagos

Location | Ubicación
Cowans Gap State Park 6235 Aughwick Rd, Fort Loudon, PA 17224

For more info | Para más información
George at 717-485-9018 or

Florida 13 July 2023

Everglades Immersion with the Mexican American Council

With a record of over 40 years of service in the community, the Mexican American Council is a well-respected advocate of community issues and an agent of positive change for promoting cultural and civic engagement.

In partnership with the Everglades National Park Institute, this event will immerse the high school participants into Everglades National Park with a wet walk through a cypress dome and engaging with National Park Service staff on conservation efforts and career opportunities.   

District of Columbia 13 July 2023

2023 LCW Photo Contest


The LCW Photo Contest begins July 1, 2023 at 12 PM Pacific, and ends July 23, 2023 at 12 PM Pacific. Voting will occur July 24-27, 2023 and winners will be announced on July 31, 2023.


Todos are welcome to participate, regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, ability, language, and nationality.


We invite you to submit up to three photos under each of the following categories. Each category reflects a subject of special interest to Latino Outdoors and Hispanic Access Foundation:

Todos Outdoors: Photos that expand the collective narrative of outdoor engagement so that it is a more rich and complete story of the diverse community of people who love and care for the outdoors.
Conservation Cultura: Photos that illustrate how conservation is woven into the fabric of Latinx culture. Use photography to highlight cultural elements not found in the mainstream conservation narrative with a particular focus on the intersection of the Latine identity and the natural environment.
Then and Now: Latino Outdoors and Latino Conservation Week are celebrating 10 years of growth, learning, community, and movement building. Within the last decade, what changes in diversity, equity, and inclusion in the outdoors (recreation, conservation, environmental education, environmental justice, etc.) have you observed or have personally impacted you? What are your hopes for the next ten years around conservation, outdoor recreation, and environmental education? Share your response to these questions through your photography.
Semillitas Outdoors: For our youth photographers ages 6-17. Photos may depict the outdoors as you know it.


Please enter by following the instructions and guidelines available here:


Colorado 13 July 2023

A la Montaña con la Familia

Celebra con nosotros los 10 años de Latino Conservation Week con un día de diversión para toda la familia en Cal-Wood, situado en Jamestown (35 minutos al este de Boulder).

22 de julio | 9:30 Am-3pm en Cal-wood Education Center

Evento gratuito con actividades y almuerzo incluido (programación completamente en español): Pesca | Tiro con arco | Paseo por la naturaleza |Ciclismo de montaña | Actividad de restauración

Este evento tendrá un cupo limitado y requerirá registro, puede seguir el enlace de Eventbrite o enviar un mensaje directamente a Monserrat para reservar su lugar.

Enlace de Eventbrite:


District of Columbia 13 July 2023

Impacts and Solutions for Latino Communities: Una Conversación con el Consejo Climático

Join Hispanic Access' Latino Climate Council during for a virtual presentation and panel discussion featuring a few experts from the group's advisory council. Together, we will discuss the different topics included in the 2023 Environmental Policy Toolkit: Impacts and Solutions for Latino Communities.

Please register in advance here: 


Únase al Consejo Climático Latino de Hispanic Access durante una presentación virtual y un panel de discusión con algunos expertos del consejo asesor del grupo. Juntos, discutiremos los diferentes temas incluidos en el Conjunto de herramientas de política ambiental 2023: Impactos y soluciones para las comunidades latinas. 

Por favor de registrarse antes de la presentación: 


District of Columbia 13 July 2023

Let's go Dancing: Salsa at the Farm! | Vamos a Bailar: ¡Salsa en la Granja!

Join us at Common Good City Farm (inside Le Droit Park) to celebrate the end of Latino Conservation Week with a Salsa and Bachata Dance Night!

6:30 PM -- Salsa class with dance instructor, Mario Cervantes

7:30 PM -- Social dancing, with live DJ mixing salsa and bachata.

Free drinks and finger food using locally grown ingredients.

Open to all dancers -- no partner required. Join us!




¡Ven y disfruta de una noche de Salsa y Bachata en Common Good City Farm (dentro del parque Le Droit) para celebrar el final de la Semana de la Conservación Latina!

6:30 p. m -- Clase de salsa con el instructor de baile, Mario Cervantes.

7:30 PM -- Baile social, con DJ en vivo mezclando salsa y bachata.

Bebidas gratis y bocadillos con ingredientes cultivados localmente.

Abierto a todos los bailarines, no se requiere pareja. ¡Nos vemos ahi!



LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.