Utah 12 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week – Reptile Meet & Greet

Reptile Meet & Greet with Conserve Southwest Utah and Red Cliffs Desert Reserve – Celebridades del Desierto

Stop by the beautiful Red Hills Desert Garden for an up close and personal

meeting with some of the most threatened and interesting local reptiles and other wildlife. Conserve Southwest Utah and Red Cliffs Desert Reserve naturalists will be there to answer questions about local wildlife and plants. For stopping by, you can also get some free stickers and other fun items to help show how much you value conservation!

  • WHEN: Wednesday, July 19th — 9am-11am
  • WHERE: Red Hills Desert Garden “Slot Canyon/Fish Viewing Area” — 375 Red Hills Pkwy, St. George, UT 84770

This outreach event is free and open to all members of the community – RSVP is not required, but sign up on this Google Form for any additional information or event updates: https://forms.gle/VijHdS1j5Ys5CyQGA

Washington 12 July 2023

2023 Mount Rainier National Park Excursion

We will be taking youth from our community to explore our beautiful Washington state icon - Mount Rainier National Park!  Those going with us will join us on a bus tour of this event.  We'll spend all day coming and going to the National Park exploring nature at its finest.  We'll learn about the conservation efforts our state has placed so that future generations enjoy this amazing national park.  If you'd like to join us, please call us at (509) 989-9375 or email us at: srgarza@bethel.one

Utah 12 July 2023

Latino Conservation Week Dark Sky Event / Evento Abajo De Las Estrellas

Come celebrate Latino Conservation Week at this International Dark Sky Park! View galaxies, planets, nebulae, and our Moon through high-powered telescopes provided by park staff and volunteers.

Latino Conservation Week is a national effort created in 2014 to promote conservation and stewardship of our natural resources, and to provide recreational opportunities for the Latino community. There are nearly 200 events occurring nationwide throughout the week!

This event is open to the general public. Park entrance fee of $10 per vehicle applies. Call the park office for more information, (801) 829-6866.

North Carolina 12 July 2023

Limpieza de Broad River Greenway/ Trail cleanup at Broad River Greenway


? ¡Únete a nosotros en el Evento de Limpieza de Senderos durante la Semana Latina de la Conservación! ?

? Fecha: viernes, 21 de julio de 2023

⏰ Hora: 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

? Lugar: Estación del Guardabosques de Broad River Greenway, 126 Broad River Dr, Shelby, NC 28152

?️ Coordenadas de encuentro: 35.220426, -81.731488

? ¡Celebra la Semana Latina de la Conservación uniéndote a MountainTrue y Latinos Aventureros para una tarde de limpieza de senderos en el hermoso Broad River Greenway en Boiling Springs, NC! Juntos, podemos tener un impacto positivo en nuestro medio ambiente y preservar la belleza natural de nuestro entorno.

? Trae tu almuerzo en una bolsa y únete a nosotros para disfrutar de una comida relajante junto al río a las 12:30 pm. Luego, aproximadamente a la 1:30 pm, nos dividiremos en tres equipos para limpiar la basura en los diferentes senderos. ¡Trabajemos juntos para mantener el Broad River Greenway impecable!

? Nos encontraremos nuevamente en la Estación del Guardabosques alrededor de las 3:00 pm para compartir lo que hemos recolectado y terminar el día con un refrescante baño en la playa. ¡Será una gran oportunidad para conectar con personas afines y disfrutar del aire libre!

? Para obtener más información, contacta a:

David Caldwell, Guardián del Río Broad: david@mountaintrue.org, 704-284-9002

Vivianette Ortiz, Latinos Aventureros: vortiz@latinosaventureros.org, Whatsapp- +17048796290

? ¡Unámonos para un día de conservación, comunidad y aventura! No te pierdas esta increíble oportunidad. ¡Te esperamos!


? Join us for a Latino Conservation Week Trail Cleanup Event! ?

? Date: Friday, July 21, 2023

⏰ Time: 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

? Location: Broad River Greenway Ranger Station, 126 Broad River Dr, Shelby, NC 28152

?️ Meetup Coordinates: 35.220426, -81.731488

? Celebrate Latino Conservation Week by joining MountainTrue and Latinos Aventureros for a trail cleanup afternoon at the stunning Broad River Greenway in Boiling Springs, NC! Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and preserve the natural beauty of our surroundings.

? Bring a bag lunch and join us for a relaxing meal by the river bank at 12:30 pm. Afterward, at approximately 1:30 pm, we'll split into three teams to clean up litter along the different trails. Let's work together to keep the Broad River Greenway pristine!

? We'll meet back at the Ranger Station around 3:00 pm to share what we've collected and end the day with a refreshing swim at the beach. It'll be a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and enjoy the outdoors!

? For more information or to RSVP, contact:

David Caldwell, Broad Riverkeeper: david@mountaintrue.org, 704-284-9002

Vivianette Ortiz, Latinos Aventureros: vortiz@latinosaventureros.org, Whatsapp- +17048796290

? Let's come together for a day of conservation, community, and adventure! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity. See you there!

North Carolina 12 July 2023

Limpieza y Caminata en High Falls con Latinos Aventureros

Nos complace anunciar que Latinos Aventureros ha adoptado la hermosa cascada High Falls en Dupont Forest. Esta cascada es frecuentemente visitada y estamos comprometidos a conservar y cuidar del ambiente. Juntos podemos hacer una diferencia. Acompáñanos a nuestra primera limpieza allí.
Fecha: 15 de Julio
Hora de encuentro: 7:30 am
Hora de inicio: 8:00 am
Lugar de encuentro: Buck Forest Parking Area
En esta área no hay señal de celular, por lo que es de suma importancia descargar el mapa antes. Asegúrense de tenerlo guardado en su dispositivo para encontrar el lugar de encuentro sin problemas.
Es importante confirmar tu asistencia ya que tenemos espacios limitados. En la sección de comentarios, por favor confirma si vienes solo o con cuántos acompañantes vienes. Se les proveerá trash pick up grabbers y bolsas de basura. También pueden traer sus propias bolsas grandes fuertes de basura.
Recuerden llevar agua para mantenerse hidratados durante la actividad. Además, consideren llevar una toalla por si se mojan, ya que estaremos cerca de las cascadas y puede haber salpicaduras refrescantes.
Tomaremos un tiempo para almorzar y compartir. Por favor, traigan su propio almuerzo para disfrutarlo juntos en medio de la naturaleza.
Después del almuerzo, nos iremos a explorar Triple Falls y Hooker Falls, dos cascadas igualmente impresionantes en las cercanías.
No se pierdan esta maravillosa oportunidad de darle amor y cuidado a nuestro entorno natural. Únanse a nosotros en esta aventura y hagamos una diferencia juntos.
¡Recuerden confirmar su asistencia en la sección de comentarios!
Esperamos contar con su presencia.
¡Nos vemos pronto!
Si tienen preguntas pueden contactar a Vivianette o Ivan.
Sure! Here's the combined version of the Facebook invite in English:
Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce that Latinos Aventureros has adopted the beautiful High Falls in Dupont Forest. This waterfall is frequently visited, and we are committed to conserving and caring for the environment. Together, we can make a difference. Join us for our first clean-up there.
Date: July 15
Meeting time: 7:30 am
Start time: 8:00 am
Meeting location: Buck Forest Parking Area
Please note that there is no cellphone signal in this area, so it is crucial to download the map beforehand. Make sure to have it saved on your device to easily find the meeting location.
It is important to confirm your attendance as we have limited spaces. In the comments section, please confirm if you are coming alone or with how many companions. Trash pick-up grabbers and garbage bags will be provided, but you can also bring your own large and sturdy garbage bags.
Remember to bring water to stay hydrated during the activity. Additionally, consider bringing a towel in case you get wet as we will be near the waterfalls, and there may be refreshing splashes.
We will take a break for lunch and to share. Please bring your own lunch to enjoy together in the midst of nature.
After lunch, we will explore Triple Falls and Hooker Falls, two equally impressive waterfalls nearby.
Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to show love and care for our natural environment. Join us on this adventure and let's make a difference together.
Please remember to confirm your attendance in the comments section!
We look forward to seeing you soon.
For questions contact Vivianette or Ivan.
California 12 July 2023

Un Mundo, Una Naturaleza

We will spend a day hiking up stream with community members from throughout Los Angeles County who are passionate to learn more about their local public lands and how to support environmental stewardship in our region!

Disfrutaremos un tiempo junto en comunidad! We will celebrate conservation, cultura, and comunidad! Bring comfortable hiking shoes, a hat, sunscreen and come ready to have fun and enjoy the water along the way! A light lunch will be provided. Please bring your water bottle or refreshment.

California 12 July 2023

Platica and Hike: Braiding Environmentalism, Mass Incarceration, and Justice

The purpose is to braid the intersections of Environmentalism and Mass Criminalization while Building People Power. The purpose of this workshop is to focus on the philosophical underpinnings and practices that are necessary towards uplifting community leadership, civic engagement, and land conservation efforts. This workshop will spark conversations and dialogues about our cultural inheritance of being in relationship with nature and with each other. Furthermore, this workshop will provide a historical context on how the first recorded acts of environmental racism were acts of classism and racism, and how that ideology has persisted in this western colonial society that continues to keep us separated. This can be seen most notably through the racist and transactional policies that have degraded the central valley, and have also served to funnel many people of color into the prison industrial complex ie: The expansion of the prison economy through “Prison Alley”. Participants will  leave with a shared understanding of the importance of civic engagement, policy advocacy that centers our humanization, healing, and upward mobility. 

Colorado 11 July 2023

Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestros. Rios Enjoying and Conserving Our Rivers


Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestros Rios.

Es una gran oportunidad de acercarnos a los ríos en Glenwood Springs. Además, conoceremos a otras familias latinas y angloamericanas que les interesa compartir sus experiencias en bien de los recursos naturales.

Escucharemos de quienes han cuidado los ríos por mucho tiempo que es lo que nosotros podemos hacer para mantener en buenas condiciones los ríos y el entorno. Reconoceremos la importancia de admirar y valorar lo que significa en nuestras vidas el que tengamos estos recursos naturales.

Realizaremos proyectos de arte que nos permita conectarnos con la riqueza espiritual que tienen los ríos y la tierra que habitamos.

Después de aprender ofreceremos un almuerzo saludable que nos permita compartir la amistad y nuestras reflexiones de esta jornada.

En toda la jornada ofreceremos agua y fruta para los asistentes

Agradecemos la colaboración de las organizaciones que hicieron posible esta reunión. En especial a Hispanic Acces Foundation. SANA (alianza para una nutrición segura y abundante) y CEAS amigos en Cristo. ROARING FORK CONSERVANCY. Colorado River Distric.  

Sugerimos llenar registro https://forms.gle/Vryosu15YCgf95rk9


Enjoying and Conserving Our Rivers.

This is a great opportunity to get closer to the rivers in Glenwood Springs. In addition, we will meet other Latino and Anglo families who are interested in sharing their experiences for the good of the natural resources.

We will hear from those who have been caring for the rivers for a long time about what we can do to keep the rivers and the environment in good condition. We will recognize the importance of admiring and valuing what it means in our lives that we have these natural resources.

We will make art projects that allow us to connect with the spiritual richness of the rivers and the land we inhabit.

After learning we will offer a healthy lunch that will allow us to share our friendship and our reflections of this day.

Throughout the day we will offer water and fruit for the attendees.

We are grateful for the collaboration of the organizations that made this meeting possible. Special thanks to the Hispanic Acces Foundation. SANA (alliance for safe and abundant nutrition) and CEAS amigos en Cristo. ROARING FORK CONSERVANCY. Colorado River District. 

Please register at  https://forms.gle/Vryosu15YCgf95rk9


Colorado 11 July 2023

Excursión interpretativa en el Parque Nacional Rocky Mountain

¡Acompáñanos en una inmersiva excursión interpretativa en el Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas! Explora los impresionantes paisajes y aprende sobre la rica herencia natural y cultural del parque. Este evento, realizado completamente en español, tendrá lugar el sábado 22 de julio, de 9 am a 12 pm. Acompañado por personal experto del Parque Nacional y un representante de la YMCA, tendrás la oportunidad de hacer preguntas y participar en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas al final de la caminata. Como bono adicional, los asistentes recibirán un pase diario para acceder a las instalaciones de la YMCA después del evento. ¡No te pierdas esta emocionante aventura!

Join us for an immersive interpretive hike into Rocky Mountain National Park! Explore the breathtaking landscapes and learn about the park's rich natural and cultural heritage. This event, conducted entirely in Spanish, will take place on Saturday, July 22nd, from 9am to 12pm. Accompanied by knowledgeable staff from the National Park and a representative from the YMCA, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a relaxed Q&A session at the end of the hike. As a bonus, attendees will receive a day pass to access YMCA facilities after the event. Don't miss this exciting adventure!

District of Columbia 11 July 2023

Conservation & Equitable Access to Healthy Outdoors: A Twitter Q&A with Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members:

Join the League of Conservation Voters & Chispa for a Twitter Q&A on Tuesday, July 18 with Congressional Hispanic Caucus members to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Latino Conservation Week!

Learn more about Congressional efforts to conserve public lands, ensure equitable access to a healthy outdoors, and combat the climate crisis. 

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.