Colorado 13 September 2024

Miércoles de Mariposas | Butterfly Wednesday at RMA

¡Únete a nosotros en el Centro de Visitantes este Miércoles 18 de Septiembre para un día dedicado a las mariposas monarca! Tendremos materiales para hacer mariposas de origami, una estación de separación de semillas de algodoncillo, y proyección de la película "El vuelo de las monarcas"- un documental de 45 minutos centrado en la mariposa monarca. Estas actividades son auto-guiadas, gratuitas y abiertas a todo el publico.

Join us in the Visitor Center this Wednesday, September 18th for a day dedicated to monarch butterflies! We will have materials for monarch origami, a milkweed seed sorting station, and a film screening of "Flight of the Butterflies"- a 45 min monarch butterfly-focused documentary. These activities are free, and open to everyone.

Las proyecciones de "El vuelo de las monarcas" serán a las | Screenings of "Flight of the Butterflies" will be at:

10:00 am, 10:45 am, 11:30 am, 12:15 pm, 1:00 pm, 1:45 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:15 pm

California 13 September 2024

Takaape' Waashut NELA Black Walnut Day; Takaape' Waashut Día del Nogal Negro en el Noreste de Los Ángeles

Join us in the celebration of the Southern California Black Walnut, Juglans californica in our third year at Ascot Hills Park. Our mission is to honor the Tongva peoples, the original stewards of this land; to support our native plant family, but specifically to celebrate the Southern California Black Walnut as a symbol of resilience. We move forward with the intention that our collective actions will advocate, defend and nurture the community of Black Walnuts and marginalized communities throughout Northeast Los Angeles by defending against development and displacement.


Únase con nosotros en la celebración del nogal negro del sur de California, Juglans californica, en nuestro tercer año en Ascot Hills Park. Nuestra misión es honrar a los pueblos Tongva, los administradores originales de esta tierra; apoyar a nuestra familia de plantas nativas, pero específicamente celebrar el nogal negro del sur de California como un símbolo de resiliencia. Avanzamos con la intención de que nuestras acciones colectivas aboguen, defiendan y alimenten a la comunidad de nogales negros y a las comunidades marginadas en todo el noreste de Los Ángeles defendiéndolas contra el desarrollo y el desplazamiento.

District of Columbia 13 September 2024

LCW: Partner of the Year Virtual Awards Ceremony

To honor and give thanks to our partners who bring Latino Conservation Week (LCW) to life, we will be hosting our annual Partner of the Year, virtual awards ceremony to celebrate the closing of Latino Conservation Week and crown our partner of the year! The awards will be 1hr long and will feature speakers, virtual activities and a look back at the hard work of our LCW participants.

A committee made up of Hispanic Access staff and ambassador representatives will go through all event submissions to determine who will be the ganador!

This year's prize will be a custom artwork piece by the talented Latina artist, Karen Lopez ( Prizes will be shipped to the winner post awards.

You don't want to miss this opportunity to connect with the Latino community and celebrate our successes together!

Register for the event here: 

Virginia 13 September 2024

Latino Conservation Event

Join us at the Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Information Center to learn about the birds of Virginia, enjoy a bird walk and participate in a raffle. Bring the whole family!
Acompáñanos en el Centro de Información para Visitantes de Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge para aprender sobre los pájaros de Virginia en un paseo de aves y participar en una rifa. ¡Invitamos a toda la familia!
Maryland 13 September 2024

The Wildlife Society Membership Giveaway

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and Latino Conservation Week, join us on Instagram for an exciting giveaway hosted by The Wildlife Society's Latin American & Caribbean Working Group (LACWG)! We're offering several year-long memberships to The Wildlife Society (TWS), including LACWG memberships, to a few lucky winners.

TWS is the leading organization for wildlife professionals dedicated to advancing the science and practice of wildlife management and conservation. LACWG works to promote the conservation of wildlife and ecosystems throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the region.

To participate, head to the LACWG.TWS on Instagram, follow the instructions, and be a part of this celebration of Latino contributions to wildlife conservation! Don’t miss your chance to win and join a vibrant, inclusive community.

Maryland 13 September 2024

The Wildlife Society Membership Giveaway

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and Latino Conservation Week, join us on Instagram for an exciting giveaway hosted by The Wildlife Society's Latin American & Caribbean Working Group (LACWG)! We're offering several year-long memberships to The Wildlife Society (TWS), including LACWG memberships, to a few lucky winners.

TWS is the leading organization for wildlife professionals dedicated to advancing the science and practice of wildlife management and conservation. LACWG works to promote the conservation of wildlife and ecosystems throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the region.

To participate, head to the LACWG Instagram page, follow the instructions, and be a part of this celebration of Latino contributions to wildlife conservation! Don’t miss your chance to win and join a vibrant, inclusive community.

Pennsylvania 13 September 2024

Bilingual Storybook Trail: Nolde Forest Environmental Center | Sendero de libros de cuentos bilingüe: Centro ambiental del bosque de Nolde

Our NEW storybook trail is waiting for you to read it on your adventure in the forest.
Hike in from the Sawmill parking lot. Find the first page at the entrance to Watershed Trail (near Teaching Station #6) and follow the Watershed trail all the way to Teaching Station #8 where you will find the last page. Don't forget to sign the guestbook by scanning the QR code at the end!
From the last page, you can walk the gravel road back down Kissinger and Boulevard trails to return to the starting page and back to your car in the parking area.
We hope you enjoy - this is one of our favorite stretches of trail in the park.
Nuestro NUEVO sendero de cuentos te está esperando para que lo leas en tu aventura en el bosque.
Camine desde el estacionamiento de Sawmill. Encuentre la primera página en la entrada de Watershed Trail (cerca de la estación de enseñanza n.° 6) y siga el sendero de Watershed hasta llegar a la estación de enseñanza n.° 8, donde encontrará la última página. ¡No olvides firmar el libro de visitas escaneando el código QR al final!
Desde la última página, puede caminar por el camino de grava por los senderos Kissinger y Boulevard para regresar a la página de inicio y regresar a su automóvil en el área de estacionamiento.
Esperamos que lo disfrute: este es uno de nuestros tramos de sendero favoritos en el parque.
Pennsylvania 13 September 2024

100th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt | Búsqueda del tesoro del centenario

This self-guided activity starts at the park office - inside the breezeway and can be done during daylight hours. Enjoy your adventure through the past. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Greenwood Furnace State Park. Get outside and celebrate with us by completing our historical scavenger hunt. Follow the clues or GPS coordinates to navigate to each site, for a total of 8 sites. The hunt does not cross Route 305.


Esta actividad autoguiada comienza en la oficina del parque, dentro del corredor y se puede realizar durante el día. Busque tarjetas como la que se muestra en la imagen. Disfruta de tu aventura a través del pasado. Este año se cumple el centenario del Parque Estatal Greenwood Furnace. Sal y celebra con nosotros completando nuestra búsqueda del tesoro histórica. Siga las pistas o coordenadas GPS para navegar a cada sitio, para un total de 8 sitios. La cacería no cruza la Ruta 305.

California 12 September 2024


Wilderness Youth Project y Los Padres Forest Watch están emocionados de invitarlos a un evento especial en Celebración de la Semana de Conservación Latina​.

Wilderness Youth Project is thrilled to invite you to a special event in celebration of Latino Conservation Week 2024:

September 18th, 2024

6:00-9:00 PM

Santa Barbara Harbor


Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. During this week, community, non-profit, faith-based, and government organizations and agencies hold events throughout the country. Let's gather under the full moon. Please register HERE by 9/4/2024. Space is limited. 


La Semana de la Conservación Latina se creó para ayudar a la comunidad latina a salir al aire libre y participar en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales. Durante esta semana, organizaciones y agencias comunitarias, sin fines de lucro, religiosas y gubernamentales realizan eventos en todo el país.Reunámonos para reflexionar bajo la luna llena. El espacio es limitado. Llamenos antes del 4 de septiembre para registrarse.

California 12 September 2024

Birds, Bioblitz, and Scavenger Hunt at Woodland Regional Park Preserve

Bring the family to discover the birds of Woodland Regional Park Preserve (WRPP) and participate in a scavenger hunt and an iNaturalist BioBlitz! The park will be open from 8:00am to 1:00pm - join us when it fits your schedule!

Discover the Birds of Woodland Regional Park Preserve: Certified California Naturalists will lead a guided exploration of the birds of WRPP. Bring your binoculars and spotting scopes - Tuleyome will have a limited number of binoculars for participants to borrow. This portion of the event starts at 8:00 am.

iNaturalist BioBlitz: Participate in a Community Science effort by taking photographs of plants and animals at the park and uploading them to iNaturalist. Our goal is to do a BioBlitz each season to document the changes in the plants and animals present in the park - your observations will be a big help with this effort! No prior experience with iNaturalist is necessary, though you should plan on downloading the app and making an account prior to arriving at the park. This activity is appropriate everyone ages 13 and up.

Nature Scavenger Hunt: Pick up a nature scavenger hunt card and try to find as many items as you can while exploring the park! This activity is appropriate for everyone ages 4 and up. We will also have kids binoculars available to borrow while you're at the park.

Youth Boot Bank: Tuleyome's Youth Boot Bank provides free 6-month loans of hiking boots to youth in our community. If you've got kids that need hiking boots or have kids hiking boots you'd like to donate, please come on by!

The park is not yet open to the public, so this is a special opportunity to see it before the grand opening later this year. Here's a pin showing the location of the park entrance.

Please register here:

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.