Oregon 06 September 2024

The Journey of the Monarch Butterflies in the Learning Garden

Join us in celebrating Latino Conservation Week and Bend's Welcoming Week 2024! This will be a family-friendly event at the Environmental Center’s Learning Garden, focusing on the journey of the Monarch Butterfly! There will be a film about monarchs, kids activities, food, and resources to take home.

Colorado 06 September 2024

LO Colorado | Board Games with A View - Juegos de Mesa con Vistas

~En Español abajo~

Please register for this event in the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-colorado-board-games-with-a-view-juegos-de-mesa-con-vistas-tickets-1009195469817?aff=oddtdtcreator

IMPORTANT: Each participant over 18 years old should reserve a spot with their own name and email, in which they will receive a waiver to fill out.

We will go on a short hike to Eagle Eye Shelter where we will:

  • Have many options of nature-themed games and games that can be played in any language! Feel free to bring your own game if you prefer.
  • Have catered lunch with agua fresca for you to enjoy! (please let us know dietary restrictions in the registration)
  • Give out board game prizes at the end!

Trail Info: Castle Trail to Meadow Trail to Eagle Eye Shelter (picture at the bottom of this event)


Distance: 1 mile total (0.5 mile in and 0.5 mile out)

Elevation Gain: 64ft

Max Elevation: 7,778 ft

Skill Level: Beginner friendly

Use: Highly trafficked, hikers only, dogs on leash permitted

Facilities: There are pit toilets at near the start of the trail. There is cell service on this trail, we will provide you with cell phone numbers of the organizers in case you need them while there.

Terrain: The trail is wide and un-paved. There is little shade on this trail. There is an incline (hill) as you approach Eagle Eye Shelter.

All ages and people are welcome!

If you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as possible by cancelling your tickets or by replying the Eventbrite email so that we can release spots to those on the waitlist. Spots are limited!



Is there a cost for this event?

This is a free opportunity to gather with Latino Outdoors Colorado community and there is NO entrance fee to the park.


What should I bring to the event?

We recommend you bring:

  • Water
  • Sun protection (sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, protective clothing, or umbrella, etc.)
  • Clothing layers depending on weather
  • Reusable cup or water bottle
  • Sturdy athletic shoes or hiking boots

At least a day before the event, you will receive another email with more instructions on what to expect from the event, including the weather forecast.


Language Accessibility Disclosure:

The programming for this event will be in English and Spanish. As a volunteer-led chapter of Latino Outdoors, we rely on the language skill sets of our volunteers and partners. Due to limited capacity and funding, we are not able to provide consistent multilingual, Spanish-language programming, or other Native languages. As an organization, we value transparency and Language Justice, and we want to make sure that our participants are aware of what to expect at each event.

The programming for this event will be:

  • Programming Language: English and Spanish
  • Available Interpretation: Some Spanish language interpretation, with the availity to play board games in any language
  • Volunteer Language Proficiency: Bianca Garcia - Fluent in Spanish and English

Regardless of your language abilities, you are welcomed at this event and we will do our best to work with you. The intention of this disclosure is to create better transparency on what to expect during our program.

For any questions, contact bianca.garcia@latinooutdoors.org



Por favor regístrese para este evento en el siguiente enlace: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-colorado-board-games-with-a-view-juegos-de-mesa-con-vistas-tickets-1009195469817? aff=oddtdtcreador

IMPORTANTE: Cada participante mayor de 18 años deberá reservar un lugar con su propio nombre y correo electrónico, en el cual recibirá una renuncia para completar.
¡Celebre la Semana de la Conservación Latina con Latino Outdoors y Protégete jugando juegos de mesa al aire libre!

Realizaremos una corta caminata hasta Eagle Eye Shelter donde:

  • ¡Tenga muchas opciones de juegos con temas de naturaleza y juegos que se pueden jugar en cualquier idioma! Siéntete libre de traer tu propio juego si lo prefieres.
  • ¡Prepara un almuerzo con agua fresca para que disfrutes! (por favor háganos saber las restricciones dietéticas en el registro)
  • ¡Regala premios de juegos de mesa al final!

Información del sendero: Castle Trail a Meadow Trail a Eagle Eye Shelter (imagen al final de este evento)


Distancia: 1 milla en total (0,5 milla de entrada y 0,5 milla de salida)

Ganancia de elevación: 64 pies

Elevación máxima: 7,778 pies

Nivel de habilidad: amigable para principiantes

Uso: Muy transitado, solo excursionistas, se permiten perros con correa

Instalaciones: Hay baños de pozo cerca del inicio del sendero. Hay servicio de celular en este sendero, te proporcionaremos los números de celular de los organizadores en caso de que los necesites mientras estés allí.

Terreno: El sendero es ancho y sin asfaltar. Hay pocas sombras en este sendero. Hay una subida (cerro) al acercarse a Eagle Eye Shelter.

¡Todas las edades y personas son bienvenidas!

Si no puede asistir, infórmenos lo antes posible cancelando sus boletos o respondiendo el correo electrónico de Eventbrite para que podamos liberar lugares para aquellos en la lista de espera. ¡Las plazas son limitadas!


Preguntas frecuentes

¿Tiene algún costo este evento?

Esta es una oportunidad gratuita para reunirse con la comunidad Latina Outdoors Colorado y NO hay tarifa de entrada al parque.


¿Qué debo llevar al evento?

Te recomendamos traer:

  • Agua
  • Protección solar (protector solar, lentes de sol, sombrero, ropa protectora o paraguas, etc.)
  • Capas de ropa dependiendo del clima
  • Taza o botella de agua reutilizable
  • Zapatos deportivos resistentes o botas de montaña

Al menos un día antes del evento, recibirás otro correo electrónico con más instrucciones sobre qué esperar del evento, incluido el pronóstico del tiempo.

Divulgación de accesibilidad lingüística:
La programación de este evento será en inglés y español. Como capítulo dirigido por voluntarios de Latino Outdoors, confiamos en las habilidades lingüísticas de nuestros voluntarios y socios. Debido a la capacidad y los fondos limitados, no podemos ofrecer programación multilingüe consistente en español u otros idiomas nativos. Como organización, valoramos la transparencia y la justicia lingüística, y queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros participantes sepan qué esperar en cada evento.

La programación de este evento será:

  • Idioma de programación: Inglés y español
  • Interpretación disponible: algo de interpretación en español, con la posibilidad de jugar juegos de mesa en cualquier idioma.
  • Dominio del idioma de voluntarios: Bianca García - Habla español e inglés con fluidez

Independientemente de sus habilidades lingüísticas, es bienvenido a este evento y haremos todo lo posible para trabajar con usted. La intención de esta divulgación es crear una mayor transparencia sobre qué esperar durante nuestro programa.


Para cualquier pregunta, comuníquese con bianca.garcia@latinooutdoors.org




District of Columbia 06 September 2024

LO DMV | Nurture & Nature Series w/ Pride Outside

Sunday 9/15: Community Building:


Join Pride Outside and Latino Outdoors in Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and Latino Conservation week for the ParkVentures Nurture & Nature series. We'll gather at picnic tables and kick off with a wellbeing workshop, then go for a chill hike in Rock Creek Park. Hannah Malvin leads the workshops, the Director of Pride Outside, who is certified in applied positive psychology, the scientific study of wellbeing.

All events are noon-2:30pm meeting at Rock Creek Park Picnic Area #1 across the street from Pierce Mill. Folks are welcome to join any individual events or the full series.

To register, visit the site here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-dmv-nurture-nature-series-w-pride-outside-tickets-1001931793967?aff=odcleoeventsincollection 

Please reach out with any questions to prideoutside1@gmail.com


Check out the rest of the series: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/lo-dmv-nurture-nature-series-w-pride-outside-3597659 

Saturday 9/28: Rest

Saturday 10/19: Creativity

Sunday 11/17: Transitions

Connecticut 06 September 2024

Health & STEM Talks: Watersheds and Our Communities: A Friendly Guide to Protecting Waterways Together

Ready for an adventure in honor of #LCW2024? Join us in New London, CT, for a hands-on workshop where we’ll dive into the world of watersheds!

? Learn how land and water connect, play fun games, take on cool challenges, and see a mini watershed model in action. Bring your crew, learn how to protect our planet, and discover a cool new career in nature!

Register here:  https://bit.ly/STEM-NL1

Arizona 06 September 2024

Saguaro National Park presents: Senderos Para Todos a Sunset Hike hosted by Reinas Who Hike

A fun 8oo foot elevation hike up a gorgeous hill on Tucson's west side. This partnership with Reinas Who Hike will culminate in a pachanga with Paletas, Ajuas Frescas and Cumbias up in Nature! With a special Dieciseis de Septiembre Grito at the end of the hike to celebrate Mexican Independence Day in the Borderlands!

Washington 06 September 2024

International Coastal Cleanup

Join ESC, at Seahurst Park, as we participate in the largest, global ocean cleanup event of the year! Started by the Ocean Conservancy, volunteers and organizations around the world come together to remove debris from our beaches and waterways.
Use our cleanup supplies or bring your own gloves and buckets and add some funky finds to the Salmon Trash Sculpture. Groups will venture along the walking paths, beach front, and hiking trails of Seahurst to remove trash.
All ages and abilities are welcome! All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Programs will be held outside, partially on the beach. Dress for the weather and be prepared to get wet. Spanish-speaking guides will be present.
FREE WITH PREFERRED REQUIRED at: https://bit.ly/4cJUw68
Arizona 06 September 2024

Conservation Cuentos con Ranger Cam: Our Stories Also Take Place in Nature

One of 12 monthly events where Saguaro National Park rangers will share nature facts and information about the Park.  Ranger Cam Juarez will also read bilingual books and use code-switching to engage kiddos and families as he shares some stories about Tucson and efforts to preserve these sacred lands for future generations.

Friends of Saguaro National Park will also host a pan dulce, lechita and cafecito bar so participants can better imagine ourselves in a park, discovering amazing creatures, and learning about other marvels of nature found outdoors.

Oregon 06 September 2024

Caminemos Juntos: Caminata de Naturaleza en el Columbia Gorge

Únete a Friends of the Columbia Gorge para una relajante mañana en la naturaleza en Catherine Creek. Realizaremos una caminata accesible por el sendero pavimentado, disfrutando de nuestro tiempo al aire libre mientras aprendemos sobre el área natural de Catherine Creek. Durante la caminata, exploraremos cómo el movimiento de nuestros cuerpos puede mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo y salud.

Este es nuestro primer evento del programa Caminemos Juntos, y lo comenzaremos celebrando la Semana de la Conservación Latina. Es una excelente oportunidad para conectarse con la naturaleza, disfrutar de vistas impresionantes y pasar un rato agradable con la comunidad.

Después de la caminata, ofreceremos comida y bebidas para que podamos relajarnos y compartir juntos.

Este es un evento para la comunidad latina, apto para toda la familia y adecuado para personas de todas las edades.

Información Sobre el Sendero (Trail Information)

  • Ubicación (location) es en Catherine Creek Universal Access Trail Información sobre el sendero
  • Sendero pavimentado de 1.2 millas ida y vuelta (Paved Trail is 1.2 miles roundtrip)
  • Nivel de Dicultad es fácil (Difficulty level is easy)
  • Ganancia de elevación de 50 pies (50 ft elevation gain)
  • Hay baños y espacios de estacionamiento disponibles (bathroom and parking spaces available)

Para obtener más información sobre este evento, por favor, contacta a Melissa Gonzalez por WhatsApp +1503-893-5240

District of Columbia 06 September 2024

¡Explora tu Ambiente! Nature Education for Latino and Multilingual Learners Webinar

Want to engage the Latino community and multilingual learners in learning about nature indoors or outdoors? Join us in this free 1-hour educator webinar by Project Learning Tree and Corazón Latino to discover strategies and resources to support you in this journey!

Registration Link: https://forests.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v22C1OXcRT6pppD937f2gw#/

Georgia 06 September 2024

Release to the Wild: An Immersive Creative Campout

​Come learn the fundamentals of camping, creative writing, and much more from the folks at Latinxhikers, Gorditas ATL, and Corazón a Corazón, at this 2-day, 1-night creative camping experience. You’ll have the opportunity to get outside, connect with like-minded folks, & learn new skills through our interactive workshops.

​*Workshop list and full itinerary will be released closer to the event date.

​*Carpooling isn't offered but a group chat will be organized prior to the event in order to discuss transportation needs.

​This event is designated for BIPOC and QTBIPOC Individuals who are first-time campers. Ages 18+

​We ask that all attendees treat each other with respect and adhere to our core values.

​Note: If anyone fails to do so or engages in disrespectful behavior, we reserve the right to aks them to leave the event.


For full details and registration visit: https://lu.ma/ckcz9hj6

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.