California 03 July 2021

Caminata bilingüe en Sugar Pine Point SP/ Bilingual hike in Sugar Pine Point SP

El propósito de este evento está dedicado para las familias latinas en una caminata bilingüe guiada a través de un sendero popular en la tierra ancestral de Washoe, también conocida como Sugar Pine Point State Park. Los participantes pueden esperar que este sendero de 2 millas tome aproximadamente 1,5 a 2 horas con la oportunidad de darse un chapuzón en el Lago Tahoe después.

Por favor traiga zapatos para la caminata, mucha agua, bocadillos y un almuerzo, bloqueador solar, sombrero y un cambio de ropa si planea nadar en el lago después de la caminata.

Nos encontraremos en el estacionamiento de Sugar Pine Point State Park a las 9:15 am para comenzar la caminata a las 9:30 am.

Este evento está abierto al público. Hay una tarifa de $10 por vehículo, por día. Los estacionamientos se llenan temprano, entonces les recomendamos compartir vehículos.


The purpose of this LCW event is to engage Latinx families in a guided bilingual hike through a popular hiking trail on the ancestral home of the Washoe people, also known as Sugar Pine Point State Park. Participants can expect this easy to moderate 2.0 mile trail to take approximately1.5 to 2.0 hours with an opportunity to take a dip in Lake Tahoe afterwards.

Please bring hiking shoes, plenty of water, snacks and lunch, sunblock, hat and a change of clothes if you plan on taking a swim in the lake after the hike. 

We will meet at the Sugar Pine Point parking lot at 9:15am to begin the hike at 9:30am.

This event is open to the public. There is a $10 day use site fee per vehicle. Parking lots fill up early so carpooling is highly recommended!

New York 02 July 2021

LCW: Bilingual Hike at Thayer Preserve

Celebrate outdoor engagement during Latino Conservation Week 2021 with a bilingual (English and Spanish) guided hike led by Finger Lakes Land Trust staff and interpreted by Fernando de Aragon. We'll set out from South Hill Cider and explore the neighboring Thayer preserve which features a peaceful bedrock stream bed with small waterfalls and a mature forest with ample shade. After a one-mile hike, we'll return to South Hill Cider for drinks and socializing. Join us for the hike, happy hour, or both! 

Florida 02 July 2021

Celebremos el Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive: Latino Conservation

Spanish-speaking Wildlife Drive Ambassadors will provide information on how best to visit the extremely popular 11-mile Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, which is part of the St. Johns River Water Management District’s lake restoration area for Lake Apopka. The Wildlife Drive, which is free, is famous for its diversity of bird life and alligators. It is a fun and relaxing place to go for families, muy tranquilo. If you have never been there, take this opportunity to check it out. If you are a regular, stop by to chat with our Spanish-speaking ambassadors. 

Nevada 02 July 2021

Movie: The Future of Our Home

Short movie premiere on July 17:

Forests are not alone in their valuable ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, turn pollutants into plant matter to address climate change. Our deserts are also vital for reducing atmospheric carbon, keeping fossil fuels in the ground, and being the homeplace for wildlife. 

On July 17, head to for the premiere of the extra short film, “The Future of Our Home”. This movie is in Spanish and English, focusing on the role that Utah's outstanding wild lands play in preventing mass extinction of wildlife, and addressing the climate emergency. 

Fossil fuel extraction on public land significantly harms Latino community health. But Latino querencia for our shared herencia can safeguard our health and our futures through the permanent protection of America’s red rock wilderness. Will you join Latinos for Utah wilderness? Visit on July 17!

Utah 02 July 2021

Película: El Futuro de Nuestro Hogar

Ver el estreno el 17 de julio:

Los bosques no suben solos con su gran habilidad absorber carbono de atmosfera, y transformar contaminantes en plantas. Nuestros desiertos también son vitales para reducir el carbono atmosférico, guardar los combustibles fósiles en el suelo, y ser hogar para la vida silvestre.

El 17 de julio, vaya al para el estreno de la película súper corto, El Futuro de Nuestro Hogar. Esta película está en inglés y español. Se concentra en el rol que las tierras silvestres de Utah tengan para prevenir la extinción en masa de vida silvestre y abordando la crisis climática.

Extracción de los combustibles fósiles de nuestra tierra pública daña significativamente la salud comunitaria, especialmente la salud de latinos. Pero latino querencia para nuestra herencia compartida puede salvaguardar nuestro salud y futuros entre la protección permanente de las tierras silvestres de roca roja de los estados unidos. ¿Se unirá a latinos para Utah silvestre? ¡Visite el 17 de julio!

California 01 July 2021

Family Activity Box + Raffle / Caja de Actividades Familiares + Rifa

English (Español Abajo): Explore your neighborhood in a new way through a series of family-friendly activities! The Bruin Birding Club will provide a series of activities and information to learn about the flora and fauna around you (bird bingo, nature scavenger hunts, art activities, guides to local birds and plants, and more!). We'll post these resources on our website ( during the week of July 17 for you to explore during the following week. 

If you take pictures of yourself doing the activities, please send them to us (email: or DM on Instagram: @bruinbirding) and we will submit your name into a raffle! We’ll also have opportunities to engage on Instagram throughout the week, which will also make you eligible for the raffle!


Descripción del evento:

¡Explore su vecindario de una nueva manera a través de una serie de actividades familiares! “Bruin Birding Club” proveerá una serie de actividades e información para que aprendan sobre la flora y la fauna que se encuentra a su alrededor (bingo de aves, búsqueda del tesoro en la naturaleza, actividades artísticas, guías de aves y plantas locales, ¡y más!). Publicaremos estos recursos en nuestro sitio web ( durante la semana del 17 de julio para explorar durante la semana. 

Si se toma fotografías haciendo alguna de estas actividades, por favor envíenoslas (correo electrónico:, o por mensaje directo en Instagram: @bruinbirding) e ¡incluiremos su nombre en un sorteo! También tendremos oportunidades de participar en Instagram a lo largo de la semana, ¡lo cual también lo hará elegible para el sorteo!

Maryland 01 July 2021

Día de Conservación Latina en Masonville Cove

• Pescar el Rio Patapsco de 9-11am o de 1-3pm
• Disfrute nuestros senderos Todo el dia!
• Animales silvestres de 9-11am o de 1-3pm
• Kayaking de 8:30am-12:15pm
• Excurcion de Instalación de Contención de
Material Dragado 11am-1pm
Día de Conservación Latina
Actividades al aire libre para toda la familia,
* Por favor traigan su propia comida! Solo
tendremos meriendas pequeñas y bebidas*

Virginia 30 June 2021

Latino Conservation Month @ Frying Pan Park

Fun, family-friendly day at a working farm. Come learn about how we are connected to the watershed in this farm setting. Free carousel rides, tours of the farm, and more. 

California 29 June 2021

Intro to Camping (w/ Bird and Plant ID)

What: Intro to Camping (w/ Bird and Plant ID)/ Introducción a campar

Where: Sequoia National Forest

When: July 17-18, 2021

Attendance: 20-25 individuals, ideally in family units/bubbles

Hosted by: California Wilderness Coalition, California Audobon, Latino Outdoors, Alianza Ecologista

Cost: FREE

Join CalWild and partners as we introduce Central Valley community members, with a focus on Latinx families, to camping! We'll be near and amidst our local public lands in the Sequoia National Forest from July 17-18 for an overnight camp with plant and bird identification activities planned for July 17th. Basic camping equipment will be provided (tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooking supplies, water bottles) but attendees should bring extra clothing for both hot daytime activities and colder nighttime sleeping. Food will also be provided.In-kind donations from our sponsors Keen, Camelbak, and Juniper Ridge mean you'll be able to take home some of the equipment so you can further explore California's public lands after this trip.

*Photo by Jack Schlinkert

Virginia 29 June 2021

Latino Conservation Month @ Lake Fairfax

Lake Fairfax will be a day of fun, family-friendly activities that include nature hikes, food, music, kayaking, and water-park access!

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.