Colorado 31 August 2024

Latino Conservation Celebration

We will be celebrating Latino Conservation Week with free food, music, bump 'n' jump, door prizes, and a demonstration of our community resources that are available to help the community get outside and access our natural resources. 


Vamos a celebrar la semana de Conservación Latina con comida gratuita, musica, brinca brincas, premios, y una demonstración de nuestros recursos comunitarios que son disponibles para ayudar la comunidad. 

California 31 August 2024

Bilingual Guided Nature Walk at Mission Trails Regional Park

MTRP Bilingual Guided Nature Walk (Spanish/English)
When: Saturday, September 14, 9:30 - 11:00am
Where: MTRP Visitor Center, One Father Junipero Serra Trail
San Diego, CA 92119 (near Mission Gorge Road and Jackson Drive)
Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Trail Guides will host a free bilingual interpretive walk to foster appreciation of the park and its natural environment. Join us to explore nature’s splendor as well as the historical, and cultural aspects of Mission Trails. All walks are open to the public and no reservations are required. The trails are easy and slow-paced but have uneven surfaces and involve a few stairs. Wear sturdy shoes and a hat, bring water, and apply sunscreen.
Alabama 30 August 2024

Intro to Archery Workshop

Intro to Archery Workshop


Location: Oak Mountain State Park Archery Park

Time: 9am - 12pm


Join us for an Intro to Archery workshop with Outdoor Alabama. We’ll be covering range safety, parts of a bow, shooting technique, and archery hunting. Participants will have the opportunity to practice shooting a bow at the state park’s archery range.


California 30 August 2024

Stay Close to the Fire

Join us in an afternoon of building community through platica and conocimiento in the outdoors, by circling up around a bonfire enjoying s'mores, snacks, and stories. This is a welcome space, all levels of outdorsy are welcome. 

Washington 30 August 2024

Salmon Celebration and Latinx Community Day

¡Celebremos el salmón y la cultura de América Latina!


Te invitamos a acompañarnos en Brewery Park, en Tumwater Falls, el sábado 21 de septiembre, de 12 p.m. a 3 p.m., para conmemorar el regreso del salmón a las aguas del condado de Thurston.


¡Observaremos a estos magníficos peces mientras completan su ciclo de vida!


Estas son algunas de las actividades que realizaremos:


  • Expresaremos nuestra gratitud por todas las formas en que el salmón nos beneficia.
  • Renovaremos nuestro compromiso de cuidar el agua de la cual dependen tanto el salmón como las personas para sobrevivir.
  • Reflexionaremos sobre las acciones que podemos tomar para protegerlos.


Este evento cultural comunitario incluye:

  • Charlas con expertos sobre el salmón
  • Observación de salmón y recorrido por el criadero de peces
  • Actividades para niños
  • Puesto de oportunidades laborales en conservación
  • Puesto de comida
  • Sorteo de premios
  • ¡Y mucho más!


Reserve su lugar antes del 3 de septiembre. Por favor, regístrese con anticipación en


Utah 30 August 2024

Celebración Latina de la Conservación de la Naturaleza | Latino Conservation Celebration

Celebración Latina de la Conservación de la Naturaleza

¡Celebra con nosotros la Semana Latina de la Conservación de la Naturaleza este próximo 15 de septiembre de 2:30 a 5:00 p.m. en el Parque Matt Knoop que se ubica junto a la huerta comunitaria Summit  Gardens en Park City! 

Acompáñanos en este evento gratuito para toda la familia llena de actividades divertidas en las que habrá deliciosa comida, paletas tradicionales, juegos, arte, pinta caritas y caminatas guiadas. Aprende sobre los esfuerzos de protección a la naturaleza de organizaciones locales como Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter, Summit Land Conservancy, Recycle Utah, Basin Recreation, el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Summit, Wasatch Mountain Institute, Summit Community Gardens - EATS, y más. 

Ven y diviértete en un ambiente natural en la que todos aprendemos y nos comprometemos a proteger a la naturaleza.


Latino Conservation Celebration


Join us in celebrating Latino Conservation Week on September 15th from 2:30 to 5:00 PM at Matt Knoop Park in Park City! This family-friendly, free event will feature many activities including delicious food, arts and crafts, face-painting, refreshing paletas, guided nature walks, and exciting games. Discover local conservation efforts through organizations like Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter, Summit Land Conservancy, Recycle Utah, Basin Recreation, Summit County Health Department, Wasatch Mountain Institute, Summit Community Gardens - EATS, and more. Join us for a day of fun and learning as we celebrate our commitment to conservation!

Colorado 30 August 2024

Caminata Comunitaria Área Natural Campo Esperanza (Neighborhood Walk at Campo Esperanza Natural Area)

Traiga su familia para disfrutar de su área natural y obtener los beneficios de salud que viene con ser activo.

La biblioteca proveerá actividades para los niños.

Lugar: Nos veremos en el estacionamiento del Discovery Bay Pool (715 E 24th St)


Bring your family to enjoy your natural area and get the health benefits of being active.

The library will provide activities for kids.

Location: Meet at the Discovery Bay Pool parking lot (715 E 24th St)

California 29 August 2024

Latino Conservation Week: Monument Night Adventure/Semana Latina de la Conservación: Aventuras Nocturnas en el Monumento

Join Bureau of Land Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service staff as we celebrate Latino Conservation Week in the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument! This annual celebration seeks to engage Latino communities (and everyone) in recreational activities and stewardship that benefit local conservation areas.

¡Acompañe al personal de la Oficina de Administración de Tierras y del Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los EE. UU. mientras celebramos la Semana Latina de la Conservación en el Monumento Nacional de las Montañas de Santa Rosa y San Jacinto! Esta celebración anual busca involucrar a las comunidades latinas (y a todos) en actividades recreativas y de administración ambiental que beneficien las áreas de conservación locales.

Staff will take participants out to explore their public lands through a special night adventure walk in the desert. Great opportunity to see and learn about some of the Monument's local species such as bats, scorpions, Peninsular bighorn sheep and more.

El personal llevará a los participantes a explorar sus tierras públicas a través de una caminata especial de aventura nocturna en el desierto. Una gran oportunidad para ver y aprender sobre algunas de las especies locales del monumento, como murciélagos, escorpiones, borregos cimarrones peninsulares y más.

This is a free, family friendly event. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants will not walk more than a mile and the area to be explored is relatively flat.

Este es un evento gratuito y apto para la familia. Menores deben estar acompañados por un padre o tutor. Los participantes no caminarán más de una milla y el área que exploraran es relativamente plana.

Make sure to bring water, wear closed-toed shoes and a black light if you have one. Sorry, no dogs allowed on this trail.

Asegúrese de traer agua, usar zapatos cerrados y una luz ultravioleta si tiene una. Lamentablemente, no se permiten perros en este sendero.

Check-in begins 15 minutes prior to start time. Space is limited, must RSVP. Ticket reservations begin 14 days prior to the event.

Es necesario registrarse para asistir. Las reservaciones comienzan 14 días antes del evento.

RSVP Here/Confirme su asistencia en línea en:

For more information contact the Visitor Center at 760-862-9984.

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el Centro de Visitantes al 760-862-9984.

We will meet at the Art Smith Trailhead parking lot located just past the driveway for the Visitor Center approximately 100 feet on the southwest side of Highway 74.

Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento Art Smith Trailhead ubicado justo después del camino de entrada para el Centro de Visitantes, aproximadamente 100 pies en el lado suroeste de la autopista 74.

Haga clic aquí para ver el mapa/Click here for map/UTM coordinates: 33.66797, -116.40766

Virginia 29 August 2024

LCW Trail Hike & Clean Up

Join us for a community event!

Florida 29 August 2024

Latino Conservation Week Volunteer Planting Event at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area

Celebrate Latino Conservation Week at a Volunteer Planting Event!

Join The Nature Conservancy for a volunteer planting event at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area!


The Nature Conservancy invites you to join us at our bunkhouse at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area for a volunteer planting event to celebrate Latino Conservation Week! We’ll spend the morning planting native plants, managing invasive species, and restoring the site’s maritime hammock habitat.


Advance registration is required for this event.

No experience is needed. Recommended for ages 8 and up, but all are welcome.

Conditions may be hot, sunny, and humid. Biting or stinging insects may be present. All participants should wear comfortable clothes and may prefer long pants and/or shirts to protect their skin. Sunscreen, bug spray, and a hat are recommended. Closed toe shoes are required. Don’t forget to pack a refillable water bottle!

Water, snacks, work gloves, and all tools will be provided by The Nature Conservancy.


Staff will meet volunteers at the entrance of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area at 8:15 a.m. to complete volunteer waivers, provide a welcome and an overview to the activity.


Cancellations: If the volunteer event needs to be cancelled due to weather or low registration, volunteers will be notified via email the day prior.

If you need to cancel please do so via your Eventbrite reservation.

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.