Puerto Rico 18 June 2021

El Rompeolas es del Barrio: Reunión de Arte y Siembra

“El Rompeolas es del Barrio: Reunión de Arte y Siembra”

Sábado, 17 de julio de 2021 de 8am a 12pm

Rompeolas, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Punto en GPS de la ubicación: 18.433398, -67.155226


Únete a nosotros en la playa Rompeolas de Aguadilla para una limpieza de playa, siembra de 100 árboles nativos y pintura en vivo por locales de los barrios de La Vía y Cerro Calero en Aguadilla. 


Regístrense al evento aquí: https://forms.gle/9qn3UAjj1d4wncmS8


Para más información: info@conservationopportunity.org


Georgia 17 June 2021

Eco-Fair and Panel

 Join us on Saturday, June 17th to kick off Glynn County’s first inaugural Latino Conservation Week!  From 10:30 AM until 12:30 PM we will be hosting an Eco-Fair and Panel Discussion at the College of Coastal Georgia's Conference Center.  Information on speakers and vendors to be announced, be sure to follow our Facebook Event page for details!



  • 10:30 AM - Arrival and mingling
  • 11:00 AM - Presentation and Discussion: What is Latino Conservation Week? What does ‘being an environmentalist’ mean to you? What is the role that Latinos play as stewards of our environment?
  • 12:00 PM - More mingling, and lunch provided by Sea Salt Healthy Kitchen.

For more information or to RSVP visit glynnenvironmental.org/events or follow our Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/S9vvgRk4.

Georgia 16 June 2021

Jekyll Island Wildlife Excursion

Join the Glynn Environmental Coalition on Monday, July 20th in celebrating Latino Conservation Week! We will get to explore Jekyll on a Wildlife Excursion with experts from the Georgia Audubon and the Jekyll Island Authority Conservation Team.  

The tentative schedule is as follows:

  • 8:30 AM Meet at Winn-Dixie for carpool to Jekyll (transportation will be provided)
  • 9:00 AM Arrive at South Dunes on Jekyll, Coffee and Continental Breakfast (provided by Wakeup Coffee Co.)
  • 9:30 AM Expedition begins at South Dunes, with stops at Horton Pond, Clam Creek, possible stop at Marsh View Picnic Area if time allows.
  • 12:00 PM Lunch and Expedition Wrap Up (lunch/refreshments will be provided by Georgia Audubon)
  • 12:45 PM Head back to Brunswick.
District of Columbia 16 June 2021

#DiversifyOutdoors: Diversifying the Outdoor Workforce

Join us for an interactive panel discussion featuring MANO alumni from across the country coming together to discuss their experience working in federal land management agencies. The panelists will share their experiences, as well as some of their thoughts on the importance of diversifying the workforce, in particular when it comes to the outdoor industry and public land management agencies.

Spanish interpretation and closed captioning will be provided.

Register for the conversation here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RJSyd9nBTUS3K1fZReKbOw 
Acompáñenos para un panel de discusión interactivo con ex-alumnos de MANO de todo el país que se reúnen para discutir su experiencia trabajando en agencias federales de administración de tierras. Los panelistas compartirán sus experiencias, así como algunos de sus pensamientos sobre la importancia de diversificar la fuerza laboral, en particular cuando se trata de la industria del aire libre y las agencias de gestión de tierras públicas.

Se proporcionará interpretación al español y subtítulos.

Registrese aqui: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RJSyd9nBTUS3K1fZReKbOw 

District of Columbia 16 June 2021

#LCW2021 Fiesta y Celebración

Gather with us to close out the week with a virtual celebration of #LCW2021 and past #LatinoConservationWeek years. We’ll be highlighting events and efforts from this year and past years in comunidad and hear from three great Latino leaders: Maite Arce, Luis Villa, and Jose Gonzalez. Bring your favorite drink and appetizer for a fun and casual event to celebrate our #LCW community’s efforts and partnerships throughout the year. We’ll also be presenting 3 #LCW Achievement Awards to prominent leaders in the conservation space that will be nominated by you! If you’d like to nominate someone in your community, visit the link here: https://www.tfaforms.com/4911265 

Register for the fiesta here:



Acompaña nos en terminar la semana con una celebración virtual de #LCW2021 y los últimos años de la #LatinoConservationWeek. Destacaremos los eventos y esfuerzos de este año y los años pasados en la comunidad y escucharemos a tres grandes líderes latinos: Maite Arce, Luis Villa y José González. Traiga su bebida y aperitivo favorito para un evento divertido e informal para celebrar los esfuerzos y asociaciones de nuestra comunidad #LCW durante todo el año. ¡También presentaremos 3 premios #LCWAchievementAwards a líderes prominentes en el espacio de conservación que serán nominados por usted! Si desea nominar a alguien de su comunidad, visite el enlace aquí: https://www.tfaforms.com/4911265 

Regístrese para la fiesta aquí:


Colorado 30 March 2021

Hike and Learn at YMCA of the Rockies and Rocky Mountain National Park

Join YMCA of the Rockies staff for a guided hike into Rocky Mountain National Park from 9am-11:30. After lunch, meet with a park ranger as they present a program about local wildlife from 1-2. Both programs will be in Spanish. Afterwards, stick around and enjoy YMCA of the Rockies activities for free, including archery, climbing wall, mini golf, and more.
Arizona 21 May 2018

Davis Camp Baptism Event

Centro de Adoracion Familar church will take their annual trip down to Davis Camp in AZ for their baptismal event. The purpose of the event is mulitfold; parishioners and guests will practice their faith, connect with nature, and enjoy their time together as a family.
Illinois 16 October 2017

Yoga and Physiotherapy 2017

We are glad to welcome all the participants from all over the world to attend Yoga and Physiotherapy Congress on October 16-17, 2017 at Chicago, USA. A great platform for physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Certified Yoga therapist, physicians, medical representatives and related experts to discuss and exchange their ideas on Yoga, physiotherapy and latest therapies. This includes reputed keynotes talks, oral presentations, Workshops, Symposium, poster presentations and young research forums.
California 26 July 2017

Guided Run/ Hike at Fort Ord National Monument

Running club members will lead a run/hike on Fort Ord dirt trails with distances ranging from 3 to 6 miles and the pace from easy to fast. Snacks will be provided.
California 22 July 2017

Nature Hike

Come join South Bay Regional Coordinator Jennifer on a Nature Hike at St. Joseph's hill Open Space Preserve on Saturday July 22nd, 2017 from 10am- 1 pm.

We will be caravanning from Los Gatos High school. We will be at the school from 9:30-9:45 on the corner of High school Ct and Church St. Parking on Church if you want to carpool and heading over to the Preserve

Los Gatos High
20 High school Ct, Los Gatos CA 95030

What to bring on Hike : please wear comfortable shoes to walk with ( Hike will be about 2.5 miles long) some shade on trail but please bring a hat, sunscreen, water and a snack.

If you have any questions or to RSVP please contact me at jennifer@latinooutdoors.org or 408-250-9456

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.