Florida 04 September 2024

Meditative Photo Walk: A Guided, Bilingual Experience

Meditative Photo Walk: A Guided, Bilingual Experience

Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary with artist-in-residence, Lisette Morales.

Join Lisette for a bilingual (Spanish/English) walking meditation, designed to explore the spiritual connection between nature and photography. During this 90-minute stroll along the short loop trail, Lisette will share some of her favorite spots for capturing the sanctuary’s natural beauty. Participants are encouraged to bring their own cameras, as the focus will be on the art of seeing through the lens, rather than technical instruction.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to enjoy a bilingual, guided photo walk with Lisette Morales, starting at 8:30 a.m.

Wisconsin 04 September 2024

Semana de Conservación Latina: Monarcas, Aves y Comunidad

Join Wisconsin EcoLatinos and Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance for an event celebrating Latino Conservation Week and Hispanic Heritage Month: Monarchs, Birds, & Community, held at the UW Arboretum in Madison!

Únete Wisconsin EcoLatinos y Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance para un evento que celebra la Semana de Conservación Latina y el Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Monarcas, Aves y Comunidad, que se llevará a cabo en el UW Arboretum de Wisconsin en Madison.

Latino Conservation Week is a nation-wide week-long series of events “created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.”

La Semana de Conservación Latina es una serie de eventos a nivel nacional “creados para apoyar a la comunidad latina en su acceso al aire libre y en su participación en actividades para proteger nuestros recursos naturales”.

The event will start with a bilingual (English/Spanish) talk by Skye Bruce from the Wisconsin Monarch Collaborative about the fascinating migration of Monarch butterflies from Canada to Michoacan, Mexico. We will explore the cultural significance of this incredible butterfly and their vital role in the ecosystem. Participants will have the unique opportunity to assist in tagging the migrating butterflies, contributing to the ongoing research and preservation efforts for these magnificent pollinators. Tagging helps answer questions about the origins of monarchs that reach Mexico, the timing and pace of the migration, mortality during the migration, and changes in geographic distribution. Following this activity, we will embark on a guided hike to observe and learn about bird migration.

El evento comenzará con una charla bilingüe (inglés/español) sobre la fascinante migración de las mariposas Monarca desde Canadá hasta Michoacán, México. Exploraremos el significado cultural de esta increíble mariposa y su papel vital en el ecosistema. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad única de ayudar a etiquetar las mariposas migratorias, contribuyendo a los esfuerzos de investigación y preservación de estos magníficos polinizadores. La etiquetación ayuda a responder preguntas sobre los orígenes de las monarcas que llegan a México, el tiempo y ritmo de la migración, la mortalidad durante la migración, y los cambios en la distribución geográfica. Después de esta actividad, realizaremos una caminata guiada para observar y aprender sobre la migración de aves.

Registration is not required.

No es necesario registrarse.



  • Wisconsin EcoLatinos will provide interpretation for Spanish-speaking participants.

  • Bathrooms are available in the Visitor’s Center until 4:00pm.

  • Handicapped parking are available on site.

  • We will be walking on mowed or crushed gravel paths; some paths have ruts.

  • Snacks and beverages will be provided.

  • An outdoor electric-powered wheelchair will be on site and available to use for free, on a first-come first-served basis.


  • Wisconsin EcoLatinos proporcionará interpretación para los participantes de habla hispana.

  • Los baños están disponibles en el Centro de Visitantes hasta las 4:00 p.m.

  • Estacionamiento para discapacitados disponible en el sitio.

  • Caminaremos por senderos de césped o grava triturada; algunos senderos tienen surcos.

  • Se proporcionarán refrigerios y bebidas.

  • Habrá una silla de ruedas eléctrica al aire libre disponible para usar de forma gratuita, por orden de llegada.

Who should attend: This event is open to everyone, and particularly Latino folks, friends, and allies! Adults and children are welcome.

¿Quién debe asistir?: Este evento está abierto a todos, y especialmente a personas latinas, amigos y aliados. ¡Adultos y niños son bienvenidos!

What to bring: Nothing! If you have them, you are welcome to bring binoculars, cameras, butterfly nets, or field guides, but not necessary. We will have supplies available on site.

¿Qué traer?: ¡Nada! Si tienes, puedes traer binoculares, cámaras, redes para mariposas o guías de campo, pero no es necesario. Tendremos suministros disponibles en el sitio.

California 04 September 2024

Juegos en el Park

Enjoying the outdoors is more than just hitting the trails—it's about having fun together! Take a break from technology and reconnect with nature through family-friendly outdoor games. Join our naturalists for a lively afternoon featuring Parque Lotería, Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, Wildlands Cornhole, and more!

You'll need a summer weekend reservation to join in the fun. Click here to make a reservation: https://wildlandsconservancy.org/preserves/whitewater/weekendreservations 

California 04 September 2024

Latino Conservation Week River Clean Up

Join us for our Whitewater River Cleanup and help protect this vital waterway!

Keeping the wild and scenic Whitewater River clean is essential for preserving the life of the preserve and ensuring the quality of the water we use in our homes. By participating, you’ll play a crucial role in preventing pollution and safeguarding our natural resources.

Together, we can keep our river—and our water—clean and healthy for everyone.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latino-conservation-week-river-clean-up-tickets-1004863322247?aff=oddtdtcreator


¡Únase a nosotros para nuestra limpieza del río Whitewater y ayude a proteger esta fuente de agua natural vital!

Mantener limpio el río Whitewater es esencial para preservar la vida de la reserva y garantizar la calidad del agua que utilizamos en nuestros hogares. Al participar, jugarás un papel crucial en la prevención de la contaminación y la salvaguardia de nuestros recursos naturales.

Juntos, podemos mantener nuestro río, y nuestra agua, limpios y saludables para todos.


Registrarse aqui: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latino-conservation-week-river-clean-up-tickets-1004863322247?aff=oddtdtcreator

California 04 September 2024

Latino Conservation Week Evening Family Hike

Friends of the Desert Mountains and Whitewater Preserve education team will be leading a spanish bilngual evening hike through Whitewater canyon. The hike will be an easy family friendly hike about 1.5 miles long.

Resgitration and bus transportation is required to particpate.

Bus pick up will be in front of Coachella City Hall on 1515 6th street, parking is availble around Veterans Park .

Dinner will be provided, please bring water and wear close toe shoes, no crocks.

Address of Whitewater Preserve: 9160 Whitewater Canyon Rd, Whitewater, CA 92282


Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latino-conservation-week-evening-family-hike-tickets-1003230117287?aff=LCWFODM2024

California 04 September 2024

Pajaritos y Cafecito Bird Walk

Celebrate the importance of conservation with our Bilingual Birding Day!

Start your morning with a guided bird walk through our exclusive wildlife refuge, led by knowledgeable Spanish-speaking ornithologist and photographer, Lisa Kaplowitz. Immerse yourself in the tranquil sights and sounds of the preserve while learning about the fascinating world of birds.

Afterward, stay for some cafecito and delicious pan dulce. No prior birding experience is needed! Binoculars are recommended but not required—we’ll have a few pairs available to borrow.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pajaritos-y-cafecito-bird-walk-tickets-1004855689417


¡Celebre la importancia de la conservación con nuestro Día Bilingüe de Observación de Aves!

Comience su mañana con una caminata guiada de aves a través de nuestro exclusivo refugio de vida silvestre, dirigida por la ornitóloga y fotógrafa de habla hispana, Lisa Kaplowitz. Sumérgete en las tranquilas vistas y sonidos de la reserva mientras aprendes sobre el fascinante mundo de las aves.

Después, quédese para un café y un delicioso pan dulce. ¡No se necesita experiencia previa de observación de aves! Los binoculares se recomiendan pero no se requieren: Tendremos algunos pares disponibles para pedir prestado.

Registrarse aqui: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pajaritos-y-cafecito-bird-walk-tickets-1004855689417

California 04 September 2024

Alebrije Painting Workshop

Kick off Latino Conservation Week with us at our "Alebrije Painting Workshop"!

Discover the rich history and artistry behind alebrijes, and then let your creativity shine as you paint and decorate your own. This workshop is recommended for ages 8 and up, but we’ll have extra craft supplies available for younger children to join in the fun.

We can't wait to see you there!

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alebrije-painting-workshop-tickets-1004844044587?aff=oddtdtcreator


Inicia la Semana de la Conservación Latina con nosotros en nuestro "Taller de Pintura Alebrije"!

Descubre la rica historia y el arte detrás de los alebrijes, y luego deja que tu creatividad brille mientras pintas y decoras la tuya. Este taller está recomendado para mayores de 8 años, pero tendremos suministros de manualidades adicionales para que los niños más pequeños se unan a la diversión. ¡Nos vemos allí!

Registrar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alebrije-painting-workshop-tickets-1004844044587?aff=oddtdtcreator

Georgia 04 September 2024

Vamos Pa’fuera a Caminar

Vamos Pa'fuera a Caminar with GALEO and Latinxhikers at Davidson - Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve! We'll be gathering at the Nature Center to learn about the Preserve's ecology, then take a short hike up Arabia Mountain together. We'll end the evening by communing for reflection and an abridged cacao ceremony by Maya Moon Cacao at the end of the evening, and participants will leave with light bites!


We hope this event will create a safe space to understand and feel the healing power of connecting with community and nature.


6PM - 8PM


Davidson - Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve

3787 Klondike Road

Stonecrest, GA 30038

Georgia 04 September 2024

Vamos Pa’fuera a Plantar

Vamos Pa'fuera a Plantar with GALEO and Latinxhikers at the E.M.B.A.R.C. Community Youth Farm! Join us on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 10AM- 2PM for some fun on the farm!

 Bring the whole family for a day filled with learning how the Earth pours into us, and taking time to pour back in with gratitude.

 We will begin with a tour of EMBARC where we will see their community garden, greenhouse, pollinator garden, forest & trail system, and beehives. We'll then have lunch together (provided by GALEO) as we learn from Park Naturalist Jennifer McLaurin, Ed Morgan from Bean's Bees and Honey, and Susan Meyers from Monarchs Across Georgia. We'll then finish the day with small service projects to support EMBARC with garden and trail maintenance.

Massachusetts 04 September 2024

"Beyond Borders: Tales of Monarcas, Rivers and Two Nations" Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Join us for a special screening of Beyond Borders: Tales of Monarcas, Rivers and Two Nations, a documentary film highlighting four Latino leaders throughout the country, whose livelihoods depend on natural resources, like clean air and water. Those natural resources—especially those stemming from the Mississippi River and greater watershed—are in danger from climate change, pollution, overuse, and nature loss. Learn more about the stake Latinos (and monarchs, to whom they are deeply connected) have in the health of the Mississippi River watershed, the threats it faces, and the solutions communities can take part in. A moderated panel discussion follows.

Register Here: https://support.neaq.org/site/Calendar?id=109247&view=Detail

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.