Texas 16 July 2021

Bilingual Self-Guided Nature Walk at Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park

Celebrate Latino Conservation Week at Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park! What does conservation mean to you? Pick up a bilingual nature guide to discover the beauty of the Texas Hill Country that inspired President Johnson to pass environmental legislation to preserve green spaces, such as national parks. Nature guides can be picked up at the Johnson City Visitor Center and at the Hangar Visitor Center located at the LBJ Ranch in Stonewall, Texas. 

California 15 July 2021

Western Riverside County Wildlife Refuge Hike - Mt Rubidoux

To celebrate Latino Conservation Week, Hispanic Access Foundation will host a hike in the proposed Western Riverside County Wildlife Refuge at Mt. Rubidoux on July 22, 2021 starting at 9am PT. We will hike to the top of Mt. Rubidoux a 3 mile hike round trip. During this hike we will talk about the benefits of having green open spaces in underrepresented communities, and establishing the Western Riverside County Wildlife Refuge. Everyone is welcome - bring your family, friends, and pets! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out Brenda at brenda@hispanicaccess.org

Don't forget to bring sunscreen, water, hats, comfortable clothing, comfortable walking/hike shoes and anything else you may need. 

We will be meeting at the parking lot of Mt. Rubidoux Dog Park at 8:45am PT before we take off on the hike. 

Massachusetts 15 July 2021

Viaje de pesca familiar en el río Merrimack

We are proud to be Dominican-American and members of Latino churches from the communities of Lawrence, Lowell, and Boston, Massachusetts. Over the years, we have enjoyed many visits by boat to our Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary to visit the whales and learn about their migration from El Caribe! Our communities joined our Mayor from the City of Lawrence in June to hold a virtual fishing clinic sponsored by NOAA and Hispanic Access Foundation. The same group of individuals plan to head out to celebrate Latino Conservation Week to the mouth of the Merrimack River to try out our new fishing skills to fish for bass. Estamos orgullosos de ser dominicanos-estadounidenses y miembros de iglesias latinas de las comunidades de Lawrence, Lowell y Boston, Massachusetts. A lo largo de los años, hemos disfrutado de  visitas en barco a nuestro Santuario Marino Nacional Stellwagen Bank para visitar las ballenas y aprender sobre su migración desde El Caribe. Nuestras comunidades se unieron a nuestro alcalde de la ciudad de Lawrence en junio para realizar una clínica de pesca virtual patrocinada por la NOAA y la Hispanic Access Foundation. El mismo grupo de personas planea salir para celebrar la Semana de la Conservación Latina en la desembocadura del río Merrimack para probar nuestras nuevas habilidades de pesca para pescar lubinas.

California 15 July 2021

Topanga Creek Crayfish Removal


Invites you to the



WHEN: 10 AM TO 12 PM

Saturday, July 17

Lunch and beach parking provided



Meet at Topanga Bridge, located 2 miles north of PCH on CA 27.



Close-toed shoes and clothes that can get wet to the knee (rain boots not recommended).



Unfortunately, due to the steep slope access, wecannot allow children under 6 years old.

invites you to the





Washington 15 July 2021

#LatinoConservationWeek Tu Voto Cuenta

Join Washington Environmental Council and community partners for #LatinoConservationWeek Tu Voto Cuenta! We will learn how voting in local elections impacts Latino communities, the environment, and public health in Washington state.
We’ll listen to the concerns in your neighborhood, share how to properly vote and return your ballot, where to learn more about local elections and how to register to vote. This will be a Spanish and English bilingual event. All are welcome, you do not need to be a registered voter to attend.
Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra is an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF). Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.
Register here for this zoom virtual event here: https://bit.ly/LCW2021votoWA
New York 15 July 2021

Latino Outdoors NYC | Invasive Plant Removal and Bike Ride

Each year the Hispanic Access Foundation hosts Latino Conservation Week, a celebration of community, Latinx culture, and conservation. We’re excited to partner with NY State Parks to commemorate the week (July 17-25) for a day out at Shirley Chisholm State Park! We’ll start off removing and learning about the invasive plants in the area and then cap it off with a bike ride throughout the parks (complimentary bikes will be provided). Please register on Eventbrite as space is limited!

New Mexico 14 July 2021

Yoga en Español: Latino Conservation Week

Who: Desert Community Wellness

When: Sunday July 18th @ 8:30 PM and Sunday July 25th at 8:30 AM
Where: Downtown Desert Yoga Outdoor SALA  Las Cruces, NM
What: FREE Yoga en Español: Latino Conservation Week
Why: Let's gather together and celebrate wellness in the outdoors and the protection of our special places in participation with Latino Conservation Week. 
In partnership with Downtown Desert Yoga, Nuestra Tierra and Friends of the Organ Mountain Desert Peaks
California 14 July 2021

Latino Conservation Week

Bilingual Guided Walk at Dairy Mart Loop Trail

Please RSVP and contact Jorge Ayón if you would like to attend. There is limited capacity for this guided nature walk and spaces will fill up quick. This walk will kick off our series of events throughout the week. Dairy Mart Pond is a significant ecological space for wildlife in San Diego. The area is managed by San Diego County Parks and provides many miles of open trails and opportunities to observe nature. 

The Dairy Mart Loop Trail is 1 mile long and is takes about 1 hour to complete. The walk will be guided by Jorge Ayón, an intern for USFWS and local naturalist. This guided nature walk will be unique in that it will be bilingual and provide insights about wildlife and the regions history and significance in both English and Spanish. We ask that you bring comfortable, breathable clothes, hats, and wear sunscreen due to our current summer weather. Water and snacks will be provided on site and an EMT will also be present in the event of any medical issues. 

Please meet at the Dairy Mart Pond parking lot (North end) at least 10 minutes before the walk. The address for the parking lot is: 2564 Dairy Mart Road, San Diego CA 92154


Colorado 14 July 2021

Evening Bat Conservation Hike

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED **Registration Closes on Thursday, July 22nd,12pm MST**

During this limited in-person hike, Aaron Sidder will lead a discussion on the ecology of bats, where they live, what they do, and why they're important. Aaron will also bring in some tips for making your home/yard/park more bat-friendly as well as identify species bats in real time with an Echo Meter Touch Bat Detector.

Aaron Sidder is an ecologist for Bat Conservation International and a board member of Rocky Mountain Wild. He is an experienced field ecologist whose research has taken him to the Everglades, Southwestern deserts, and the top of the Rocky Mountains.

Bats face numerous threats in Colorado, such as habitat loss, wind energy development, and climate change. In addition, hibernating bats in Colorado may be impacted by white-nose syndrome (WNS), a pathogen that has killed millions of bats in the eastern and midwestern U.S. since 2006. WNS has not been detected in Colorado yet, but is now present in adjacent states. Join Latino Outdoors and Rocky Mountain Wild for a night of bat conservation and how you can help preserve these awesome pollinators.

You will need to bring a small backpack or bag to hold water, a face mask, anti mosquito protection of your choice, layers if necessary, a head lamp, and anything else you might need. We might be venturing off the designated trail, so boots would be advised (no sandals).

This event is free! Bat enthusiasts of all abilities and age 8+ are welcome with an adult.

About the Trail

Distance:~ 2 miles round trip

Elevation Gain: 0 ft

Max Elevation: 5,330 ft

Skill Level: Easy

Trail Use: Foot, bike

Facilities/Restrooms: The Garland Trailhead parking lot will have restrooms

Terrain Description: Flat, paved wide trail


Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-colorado-evening-bat-conservation-hike-with-rocky-mountain-wild-tickets-163289279631 

New Mexico 13 July 2021

Family Hike at the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks

The Continental Divide Trail Coalition and Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks are joining together to put on a family-friendly hike on July 23rd. If you are looking for a welcoming beginner hiking environment for you or your family then this is the hike for you! Please wear comfortable walking shoes and clothing and bring a full water bottle. Thunderstorms are common in the evenings in this area so be sure to bring a rain jacket if necessary.


We look forward to adventuring together!


Photo by Ryan Choi 

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.